Mar 31, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog ARCHIVED 2014-15 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Elementary Education / Special Education, B.S.E.
This degree program is designed to provide prospective teachers with essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes to work effectively with students who are mentally, physically, and/or emotionally challenged in K-8 or K-12 inclusive, resource and self contained settings. Students completing this major will qualify for certification in elementary education for grades K-8 and special education in either K-8 or K-12.
System-wide General Education Requirement (31 credits)
* Majors must take MATH 102 or a course requiring MATH 102 as a prerequisite and POLS 100 or GEOG 200 and HIST 151 , HIST 152 or HIST 256 as part of the System-wide General Education Requirement. Institutional Graduation Requirements (11 credits)
Majors must take EPSY 210 as part of the Institutional Graduation Requirement. Note:
Students must complete 30 hours of system-wide general education courses in their first 64 credit hours. Students are also required to complete a course that provides a globalization/global perspectives and a course that provides a writing intensive experience. 1 No grade less than a “C”; must be completed prior to admission to Teacher Education 2 Requires field experience Professional Education Courses (99-101 Credits)
Yearlong Residency / Student Teaching
Teacher candidates complete a yearlong residency / student teaching capstone experience during the final two semesters prior to graduation. Placements are made in districts with which the College of Education has a formal partnership and whose personnel are trained in the co-teaching model. Out-of-area placements are not granted for the yearlong residency / student teaching experience. |