Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

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  • MATH 115 - Precalculus

    5 credits
    A preparatory course for the calculus sequence. Topics include: polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions and their graphs; systems of equations, inequalities and complex numbers. Prerequisite(s): MATH 104  or MATH 114  
  • MATH 120 - Trigonometry

    3 credits
    Topics include: trigonometric functions, equations, and identities; inverse trigonometric functions; and applications of these functions.  Additional topics may include exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric form of complex numbers; and polar equations. Prerequisite(s): MATH 104  or MATH 114  
  • MATH 121 - Survey of Calculus

    4 credits
    A survey of calculus including an intuitive approach to limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration with an emphasis on applications of the derivative and the integral as well as topics from multivariable calculus. Prerequisite(s): MATH 114  or MATH 115  or MATH 120  
  • MATH 123 - Calculus I

    4 credits
    The study of limits, continuity, derivatives, applications of the derivative, antiderivatives, the definite and indefinite integral, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Prerequisite(s): MATH 115  or MATH 120  
  • MATH 125 - Calculus II

    4-5 credits
    A continuation of the study of calculus, including the study of sequences, series, polar coordinates, parametric equations, techniques of integration, applications of integration, indeterminate forms, and improper integrals. Prerequisite(s): MATH 123  
  • MATH 201 - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics

    3 credits
    An introduction and overview of discrete mathematics. Topics will include elementary logic, direct and indirect proof, induction, and set theory.  Other topics to be selected from modular arithmetic, recursion, graph theory, number theory, and computer applications. Prerequisite(s): MATH 104  or MATH 114  or MATH 115  or MATH 120  or MATH 123  or MATH 281  or HS GPA of 3.55 or higher
  • MATH 204 - Mathematical Structures for Cyber Operations

    5 credits
    This course will cover the objectives and knowledge units necessary for a student studying Cyber Operations.  Topics may include: Cryptographic protocols, introductory group theory, number theory. Prerequisite(s): MATH 104  or MATH 123  or MATH 201  or instructor consent
  • MATH 225 - Calculus III

    4 credits
    A continuation of the study of calculus, including an introduction to vectors, vector calculus, partial derivatives, and multiple integrals. Prerequisite(s): MATH 125 
  • MATH 281 - Introduction to Statistics

    3 credits
    A study of descriptive statistics including graphs, measures of central tendency and variability and an introduction to probability theory, sampling and techniques of statistical inference with an emphasis on statistical applications. Prerequisite(s):  MATH 103  or MATH 104 , or MATH 114 , or MATH 115 , or MATH 120 , or MATH 121 , or MATH 123  
  • MATH 282 - Mathematics of Games

    3 credits
    An introduction to mathematics applied to the understanding of games. Topics to include discrete probability, expectation, counting, and introductory game theory. Corequisite(s): MATH 123 
  • MATH 291 - Independent Study

    1-5 credits
    Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.  The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans.  Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students.  Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic.
  • MATH 292 - Topics

    1-5 credits
    A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field.  Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum.  Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors.  Enrollments are usually limited with significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.
  • MATH 315 - Linear Algebra

    3-4 credits
    Course topics include: the theory and applications of systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations and applications. Prerequisite(s):  (MATH 123  and MATH 201 ) or MATH 225  
  • MATH 316 - Discrete Mathematics

    3 credits
    Selected topics from Boolean algebra, set theory, logic, functions and relations, difference equations, recurrence relations, application of algorithms, finite graphs, trees, paths and modeling. Prerequisite(s): MATH 123  and MATH 201  or MATH 225  
  • MATH 318 - Advanced Discrete Mathematics

    3 credits
    An introduction to advanced discrete mathematics topics. Content to include topics such as proof techniques, graph theory, coding theory, and cryptology with an emphasis on computer applications.
  • MATH 321 - Differential Equations

    3-4 credits
    Selected topics from ordinary differential equations including development and applications of first order, higher order linear and systems of linear equations, general solutions and solutions to initial-value problems using matrices. Additional topics may include Laplace transforms and power series solutions. Prerequisite(s): MATH 125 
  • MATH 341 - Math Concepts for Teachers I

    3 credits
    An introduction to sets, numeration systems, arithmetic operations/algorithms, problem solving, and other topics. This course does not satisfy the mathematics general education requirement nor any mathematics area requirements other than those for a degree in elementary education. Prerequisite(s): MATH 103  or MATH 104  or  MATH 114  or MATH 115  or MATH 120  or MATH 121  or MATH 123  or MATH 125  or MATH 281  
  • MATH 342 - Math Concepts for Teachers II

    3 credits
    An introduction to geometry concepts, measurement, problem solving, probability, statistics, and other topics. This course does not satisfy the mathematics general education requirement nor any mathematics area requirements other than those for a degree in elementary education. Prerequisite(s): MATH 103  or MATH 104  or MATH 114  or MATH 115  or MATH 120  or MATH 121  or MATH 123 , or MATH 125  or MATH 281  or MATH 341  
  • MATH 361 - Modern Geometry

    3 credits
    In this course topics will be chose from: axiomatic systems, finite geometries, Euclidean plane geometry, transformational geometry, three dimensional geometry, and non-Euclidean geometries. Prerequisite(s): MATH 123  and MATH 201  or MATH 125  
  • MATH 381 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics

    3-4 credits
    Introduction to probability theory, discrete and continuous distributions, sampling distributions and the Central Limit Theorem with general principles for statistical inference and applications of random sampling to hypothesis testing, confidence limits, correlation, and regression. Prerequisite(s): MATH 125 
  • MATH 413 - Abstract Algebra I

    3 credits
    Introduction to the theory and applications of algebraic structures including groups, rings, and fields. Prerequisite(s): MATH 315  or MATH 316  
  • MATH 418 - Mathematical Modeling

    3 credits
    Creating and using mathematical models for solving real world problems. Prerequisite(s): MATH 125  or MATH 315 
  • MATH 436 - Number Theory and Cryptography

    3 credits
    An introduction to Number Theory and Computational Number Theory and the mathematical foundations of cryptography (classical cryptography; public key cryptography; cryptosystems; cryptographic protocols).  Topics to be selected from divisibility theory; primes and their distribution; primarily testing; factorization and factorization algorithms; computations with large integers (FFT), theory of congruences and applications; Euler’s Theorem; primitive roots; quadratic reciprocity; arithmetic functions; Moebius inversion; zeta functions; introduction to cryptography; cryptographic  communications; and information security algorithms and protocols. Prerequisite(s): MATH 201   and CSC 250  
  • MATH 437 - Cryptography and Codes

    3 credits
    An introduction to Algebraic Number Theory and with an emphasis on Cryptography and Codes.  Topics to be selected from integer representation; introduction to groups, rings, fields, and finite fields; factorization and factorization algorithms; classic and modern methods of encryption, elliptic curve cryptography, applications to public-key ciphers, finite and discrete probability distributions; random number generators; attacks on encryption systems; error correcting codes. Prerequisite(s): MATH 436   or MATH 536
  • MATH 471 - Numerical Analysis I

    3 credits
    Analysis of rounding errors, numerical solutions of nonlinear equations, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, interpolation and approximation, numerical methods for solving linear systems. Prerequisite(s): MATH 125  
  • MATH 475 - Operations Research

    3 credits
    An introductory overview of the field of operations research including topics from linear programming, simplex methods, network models, nonlinear programming, game theory, Markov Chains, introduction to dynamic programming, queuing theory and simulation. Prerequisite(s): MATH 125  or MATH 315  
  • MATH 488 - Capstone

    1 credit
    A capstone experience of the undergraduate course work.  This course will be used for departmental assessment.
  • MATH 491 - Independent Study

    1-4 credits
    Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.  The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans.  Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students.  Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic.
  • MATH 492 - Topics

    1-6 credits
    A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field.  Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum.  Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors.  Enrollments are usually limited with significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.
  • MATH 498 - Undergraduate Research/Scholarship

    1-12 credits
    Independent research problems/projects or scholarship activities. The plan of study is negotiated by the faculty member and student. Contact between the two may be extensive and intensive.


  • MUS 100 - Music Appreciation

    3 credits
    A non-technical discussion designed to increase the enjoyment and appreciation of music. Fulfills the music requirement in the general education program.
  • MUS 108 - Musicianship I

    3 credits
    A study of foundational music theory necessary for audio and sound designers involving written, aural, and analytical perspectives including, but not limited to melody and phrase, harmony, rhythm, and overall sound structure
  • MUS 109 - Musicianship II

    3 credits
    A study of foundational principles of the science of sound as necessary for training in audio engineering and digital sound design involving written, aural, and analytical perspectives including, but not limited to ear training, harmonics, frequencies, equalization, sound synthesis, and overall sound structure within acoustic and digital settings. Prerequisite(s): MUS 108  
  • MUS 204 - Introduction to Digital Sound Design

    3 credits

    A foundation study of digital audio editing with the perspective of sound design.  Topics including sampling, dB, microphone, and basic sound design techniques on current DAW software matched with given video file format.  Also includes basic MIDI production applications and editing sound for video.


  • MUS 291 - Independent Study

    1-4 credits
    Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.  The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans.  Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students.  Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic.
  • MUS 292 - Topics

    1-5 credits
    A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field.  Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum.  Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors.  Enrollments are usually limited with significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.
  • MUS 491 - Independent Study

    1-4 credits
    Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.  The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans.  Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students.  Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic.
  • MUS 492 - Topics

    1-5 credits
    A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field.  Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum.  Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors.  Enrollments are usually limited with significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.

Music, Applied

  • MUAP 102 - Class Instruction - Voice

    1-2 credits
    One to two semester hours credit for class instruction is given for two one hour class meetings.  Adequate preparation through practice is expected of all students.
  • MUAP 115 - Class Instruction-Keyboard

    1-2 credits
    One to two semester hours credit for class instruction is given for two one hour class meetings. Adequate preparation through practice is expected of all students.
  • MUAP 152 - Applied Music

    1-2 credits
    One to two semester hours credit for private lesson instruction is given for one half hour to one hour private lessons per week.  Instruction is designed for the advanced vocal and piano students who have two or more years experience studying privately on their instrument.  Adequate preparation outside of class time is required of all students.   Students will be assessed throughout the semester and have the opportunity to move at their own pace. Prerequisite(s): MUAP 102  or MUAP 115 , Prior Experience or Consent of the instructor

Music Ensemble

  • MUEN 100 - Concert Choir

    0-2 credits
    An ensemble performing accompanied and unaccompanied literature for mixed voices. Membership determined by instructor’s permission and audition only.
  • MUEN 106 - Singer/Songwriter Studio

    1-2 credits
    An ensemble performing standard literature for the contemporary singer songwriter.  This course is for students interested in learning standard literature as well as the art of song writing.  Course is repeatable. Prerequisite(s): Prior vocal, keyboard and/or guitar skills or consent of instructor. 

Physical Education

  • PE 100 - Activity

    1 credit
    Activities stressing individual physical fitness and lifetime activities according to student needs and interest.
  • PE 145 - Introduction to Exercise Science / Physical Education

    1 credit
    The focus of the course will include familiarizing students with campus resources and to facilitate their engagement in the university experience.  Through group discussions with a faculty mentor, students will develop critical thinking and social interaction skills to prepare them for the academic environment.  Students will become active participants in the university community.  Course content will include access to university resources, college policies, the academic advisor, student support services and university academic requirements.
  • PE 180 - Foundations of HPER

    2 credits
    A survey of the historical background, sociological implications, and philosophical basis and professional opportunities of HPER/A professions. This course includes a review of the modern principles and related concepts which are applicable to physical activity.
  • PE 181 - Fundamentals of Elementary PE

    2 credits
    This course introduces scientific and pedagogical concepts underlying effective physical education teaching practices. Appropriate teaching sequence, progression, and technique will be taught with emphasis on lesson design and implementation.
  • PE 201 - Professional Preparation: Gymnastics

    1 credit
    Knowledge and skills necessary to enable students to lead, analyze, and prescribe improvements for skills and activities which are part of lifetime fitness development.
  • PE 204 - Professional Preparation: Rhythm & Dance

    1 credit
    Knowledge and skills necessary to enable students to lead, analyze, and prescribe improvements for skills and activities associated with participating in rhythm and lifetime dance activities. Focus will be placed on activities appropriate for school settings which contribute to personal development.
  • PE 207 - Professional Preparation: Strength Training

    1 credit
    Knowledge and skills necessary to enable students to lead, analyze, and prescribe recreation activities appropriate for school settings which contribute to personal development.
  • PE 217 - Advanced Strength Training

    1 credit
    This course is designed to teach students how to correctly perform the Olympic lifts (the power clean and the snatch) which are considered advanced weight lifting exercises.  Other strength training exercises (i.e. the squat) may be included to perfect proper technique.
  • PE 252 - Fundamentals of Motor Learning and Development

    2-3 credits
    Course content deals with characteristic motor development patterns in children with concentration on fundamental locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills and perceptual-motor development and practical applications of research and knowledge to physical education classroom teaching.
  • PE 291 - Independent Study

    1-4 credits
    Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.  The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans.  Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students.  Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic.
  • PE 292 - Topics

    1-4 credits
    A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually limited with significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.
  • PE 300 - Applied Sport and Exercise Science

    3 credits
    This course is an introduction to exercise, sport physiology and biomechanics, designed to give physical education teacher candidates an opportunity to explore the physiological and biomechanical foundations of exercise and sport. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 221  
  • PE 341 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation

    2-3 credits
    Philosophy, theory, and application of current curriculum foundations in K-12 physical education, including curriculum theory, organization, design, and assessment. Prerequisite(s): PE 180 
  • PE 350 - Exercise Physiology

    2-3 credits
    Study of physiological responses and adaptations to exercise related to human performance limitations, training effects, and health-related benefits. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 221  
  • PE 350L - Exercise Physiology Lab

    1 credit
    Laboratory experience that accompanies PE 350  . Corequisite(s): PE 350 
  • PE 352 - Adapted Physical Education

    2-3 credits
    Students are exposed to those impairments addressed in idea as they relate to physical education. Assessments, IEP development, and other elements necessary to successful inclusion are addressed. In addition, physical activities for special populations outside the school setting are also addressed.
  • PE 353 - Kinesiology

    2-3 credits
    An understanding of human performance as it is affected by anatomical or mechanical factors. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 323  or BIOL 221 
  • PE 354 - Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries

    2-3 credits
    Course teaches general and emergency treatment of athletic injuries, competitive or noncompetitive. Emphasis is placed on practical preventive and rehabilitative exercises and taping/bandaging/wrapping.
  • PE 360 - K-8 Physical Education Methods

    1-2 credits
    Needs, characteristics, capacities of elementary-aged children (grades K-8); curriculum planning; methods and materials essential to program progression for developmentally appropriate activity in basic skills, games, rhythms, dance, and fitness activities; integrating movement activity on a school-wide basis as part of program efforts to enhance overall student wellness and academic readiness. Prerequisite(s): Admitted to teacher education
  • PE 363 - Skills Concepts

    3 credits
    Activity Placement Test required. The development of a basic understanding of selected activity skills and the knowledge necessary for performance error detection and correction are taught. Prerequisite(s): PE 180  and PE 181 
  • PE 376 - Technology Integration in Physical Education

    3 credits
    Software packages and applications in physical education will be researched. Prerequisite(s): CSC 105 
  • PE 440 - Organization and Administration of HPEA

    2-3 credits
    Administrative policies and procedures of physical education and athletes, including intramural and interscholastic activity and athletics. Consideration is given to programming, leadership, budget, facilities, public relations, and related matters.
  • PE 451 - Tests and Measurements

    2 credits
    This course will include use of various tests and instruments used for measuring progress in physical education and how statistical concepts apply to testing in physical education. Development of the knowledge and ability to utilize both formative and summative assessments for psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains. Additionally, techniques to evaluate one’s own teaching performance and make adjustments to enhance subsequent teaching and program effectiveness. Prerequisite(s): MATH 103  or MATH 114  or MATH 115  or MATH 120  or MATH 121  or MATH 123  or MATH 125  or MATH 281  
  • PE 452 - Motor Learning and Development

    3 credits
    The application of principles of learning in the psychomotor domain. Included will be a review of the physiological basis of skill behavior, state of the performer, and didactic strategies in motor learning and skill performance.
  • PE 453 - Sport Psychology

    2-3 credits
    This course examines the effects of psychological factors, such as personality, motivation, group dynamics, psychomotor activity, and other psychological aspects of sports on participation and performance, as well as examining the effects of participation on the psychological make-up of the individual.
  • PE 469 - Coaching Baseball/Softball

    1-2 credits
    Course studies the theory and practice of individual skill fundamentals, team strategies, organization, and management principles. The students conduct an intensive analysis of game strategies and will execute playing skills.
  • PE 470 - Coaching Basketball

    1-2 credits
    Fundamental techniques and strategies with emphasis on offensive and defensive skills, developing and using player personnel for basketball.
  • PE 471 - Coaching Football

    1-2 credits
    Fundamental techniques and strategies with emphasis on offensive and defensive skills, developing and using player personnel for football.
  • PE 473 - Coaching Track & Field/Cross Country

    1-2 credits
    Study of the techniques of teaching fundamentals of track and field/cross country skills, scientific training methods, rules, and event techniques.
  • PE 475 - Coaching Volleyball

    1-2 credits
    Fundamental techniques and strategy with emphasis on offensive and defensive skills, developing and using player personnel for volleyball.
  • PE 483 - Fundamental/Theories of Coaching

    2 credits
    Designed to develop well-qualified coaches that can plan dynamic practice sessions, teach sound fundamentals, promote positive communication and motivational techniques.  Coaches will manage performance analysis, program organization, content administration, equipment and facility management and contemporary issues related to coaching. Corequisite(s): PE 484  
  • PE 484 - Fundamental/Theories of Coaching: Field Experience

    1 credit
    The students will prepare for coaching in an approved setting they will observe, participate and coach under the supervision of a certified coach in an approved setting.  An additional “manditory fee” applies to this course. Corequisite(s): PE 483 
  • PE 491 - Independent Study

    1-4 credits
    Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.  The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans.  Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students.  Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic.
  • PE 495 - Practicum

    1-4 credits
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.


  • PHIL 100 - Introduction to Philosophy

    3 credits
    Introduces competing philosophical views of reality, perception, learning, and values, emphasizing their relevance to the contemporary world.
  • PHIL 200 - Introduction to Logic

    3 credits
    Introduces the formal study of argumentation, including forms of logic, inductive and deductive reasoning, proofs, refutations, and fallacies.
  • PHIL 220 - Introduction to Ethics

    3 credits
    Examines the major currents and components of ethical theory from classical times to the present, investigating problems arising from specific theories, as well as critically analyzing the validity of these theories for current ethical concerns.
  • PHIL 291 - Independent Study

    1-4 credits
    Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.  The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans.  Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students.  Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic.
  • PHIL 292 - Topics

    1-3 credits
    A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually limited with significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.
  • PHIL 491 - Independent Study

    1-4 credits
    Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.  The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans.  Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students.  Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic.
  • PHIL 492 - Topics

    1-5 credits
    A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually limited with significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.


  • PHYS 111 - Introduction to Physics I

    4 credits
    This is the first course in a two semester algebra-level sequence, covering fundamental concepts of physics. The sequence is appropriate for pre-professional majors requiring two semesters of physics. Topics include classical mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. Prerequisite(s): MATH 114  or MATH 115  or MATH 120  or MATH 121  or MATH 123  or MATH 125  or MATH 281   Corequisite(s): PHYS 111L  
  • PHYS 111L - Introduction to Physics I Laboratory

    0 credits
    This laboratory accompanies PHYS 111 . Corequisite(s): PHYS 111 
  • PHYS 113 - Introduction to Physics II

    4 credits
    This course is the second course in a two semester algebra-level sequence, covering fundamental concepts of physics. Topics include electricity and magnetism, sound, light, optics, and some modern physics concepts. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 111  Corequisite(s): PHYS 113L 
  • PHYS 113L - Introduction to Physics II Laboratory

    0 credits
    This laboratory accompanies PHYS 113 . Corequisite(s): PHYS 113 
  • PHYS 185 - Solar System Astronomy

    2-3 credits
    This is a descriptive course that introduces students to solar system astronomy.  Emphasis is placed on the development of astronomy, optical instruments and techniques, and solar objects. Corequisite(s): PHYS 185L  
  • PHYS 185L - Solar System Astronomy Lab

    0-1 credit
    This laboratory accompanies PHYS 185. Corequisite(s): PHYS 185  
  • PHYS 187 - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology

    2-3 credits
    This course is a descriptive course that introduces stellar astronomy.  Emphasis will be placed on stars, galaxies, and cosmology. Corequisite(s): PHYS 187L  
  • PHYS 187L - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology Lab

    0-1 credit
    Lab component of PHYS 187. Corequisite(s): PHYS 187  
  • PHYS 211 - University Physics I

    3-4 credits
    This is the first course in a two semester calculus-level sequence, covering fundamental concepts of physics. This is the preferred sequence for students majoring in physical science or engineering. Topics include classical mechanics and thermodynamics. Prerequisite(s): MATH 123  or MATH 125   Corequisite(s): PHYS 211L  
  • PHYS 211L - University Physics I Laboratory

    0-1 credits
    This laboratory accompanies PHYS 211 . Corequisite(s): PHYS 211  
  • PHYS 213 - University Physics II

    3-4 credits
    This course is the second course in a two semester calculus-level sequence, covering fundamental concepts of physics. This is the preferred sequence for students majoring in physical science or engineering. Topics include electricity and magnetism, sound, light, and optics. Prerequisite(s): MATH 123  and PHYS 211   Corequisite(s): PHYS 213L  
  • PHYS 213L - University Physics II Laboratory

    0-1 credits
    This laboratory accompanies PHYS 213 . Corequisite(s): PHYS 213  
  • PHYS 291 - Independent Study

    1-3 credits
    Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement.  The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans.  Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students.  Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic.
  • PHYS 331 - Introduction to Modern Physics

    3 credits
    This course concentrates on observations and theories of the 20th Century that carried the physicists’ world-view beyond the classical. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 113  or PHYS 213 
  • PHYS 341 - Thermodynamics

    2-3 credits
    This course is an intermediate level thermodynamics course dealing with systems from a macroscopic perspective. Topics include the first and second laws of thermodynamics, phase diagrams, and equilibria. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 213  and MATH 225 
  • PHYS 343 - Statistical Physics

    2-4 credits
    This course provides a systematic introduction to the use of statistical principles applied to the study of thermodynamic systems. Prerequisite(s): MATH 321 , PHYS 331  and PHYS 341 

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