Feb 11, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog ARCHIVED 2014-15 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
General Studies, B.G.S.
This degree program is intended to accommodate students with a variety of career goals. It is an important option for students who have accumulated significant college credit and who want to complete a baccalaureate degree. But, it is also a viable choice for students who are interested in building their own degree program, to coincide with their career plans and interests. Students are required to complete general education requirements plus 45 credits in three areas of emphasis (15 credits in each area) selected by the student from these disciplines: allied health, business, education, fine arts, humanities, social sciences, wellness, technology and other STEM disciplines (science, engineering, math). Specific coursework in the three areas of emphasis is selected by the student; additional credits for graduation can be selected from any discipline.
System-wide General Education Requirement |
30 credits |
Institutional Graduation Requirement |
11 credits |
Emphasis Areas |
45 credits |
Capstone |
3 credits |
Electives |
31 credits |
System-wide General Education Requirement (SGE) (30 Credits)
GOAL 1: Written Communication (6 Credits)
GOAL 2: Oral Communication (3 Credits)
GOAL 3: Social Sciences (6 Credits)
(in two disciplines) Note
* Students are required to complete a course that provides a globalization/global perspective. Courses marked with an “*” meet this requirement. ** Courses meet the written communication requirement (SGR). Students may not use the same course to meet both a SGR requirement and a written communication requirement. GOAL 4: Arts and Humanities (6 Credits)
(in two disciplines or in a sequence of foreign language courses) Note
*Students are required to complete a course that provides a globalization/global perspective. Courses marked with an “*” meet this requirement. **Course meets the written communication requirement (SGR). Students may not use the same course to meet both a SGR requirement and a written communication requirement. GOAL 5: Mathematics (3 Credits)
GOAL 6: Natural Sciences (6 Credits)
GOAL 7: Information Literacy (0 Credits)
Students will have met this Goal when they complete Goal 1 Written Communication and Goal 2 Oral Communication. Institutional Graduation Requirement (11 Credits)
GOAL 1: Information Systems & Computer Technology (6 Credits)
GOAL 2 : Written Communications (3 Credits)
All courses listed above also meet the System General Education Requirements (SGR). Students may not use the same course to meet both an SGR requirement and a written communications requirement. GOAL 3: Personal Wellness and Fitness (2 Credits)
Choose 15 credits from three of the following emphasis areas (45 Credits)
- Allied Health: HIM, NURS, RESP
- Business: ACCT, BADM, BED, ECON, OED
- Humanities: ENGL (literature), HIST (western & world civilization), HUM, MCOM, PHIL, REL, SPCM, foreign languages (ARAB, FREN, GER, GREE, LAKL, RUSS, SPAN)
- Social Science: ANTH, CJUS, GEOG, GLST, HIST (except western and world civilization), POLS, PSYC, SOC, WMST
- Science and Mathematics: BIOL, CHEM, ESCI, MATH, PHSI, PHYS
- Technology: CIS, CSC, ELED 422 , GAME, SCTC
- Wellness: EXS, HLTH, PE, WEL
Independent Study (3 Credits)
Criteria for Capstone Course: - Independent study class, created for individual students with a faculty member assigned who has expertise/interest in the areas of emphasis.
- Capstone course meets the writing requirement for a degree program.
- Fifteen page paper on a contemporary issue related to the three areas of emphasis.
- Updated vita.
- Learning statement explaining how the three areas of emphasis have prepared the student for their career.