Feb 08, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog ARCHIVED 2015-16 
Undergraduate Catalog ARCHIVED 2015-16 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Online Secondary Education Certification Program

This online academic certificate program is a collaborative effort between the South Dakota Regental universities. This program provides an option for individuals who want to become teachers and who have a baccalaureate degree in a content area in which the South Dakota Board of Education certifies teachers. This certificate program prepares prospective teachers with the necessary pedagogical knowledge and skills to succeed as K-12 or secondary teachers. For more information about this certification program, contact the College of Education.

Admission Requirements:

Cumulative GPA of 2.6;

Content GPA of 2.7; and

Completion of ENGL 101 , SPCM 101 , SPED 100 , EPSY 302  and EDFN 338  with a grade of “C” or better.

Testing Requirements

  1. Successful completion of the Praxis I Core Academic Skills for educators exam in reading, writing and mathematics.
  2. Successful completion of the Praxis content exam in major area of preparation.
  3. Successful completion of the Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) exam.


Teaching Certification and Licensure

This program is recognized by the South Dakota Department of Education and meets South Dakota requirements for certification.  Requirements for licensure vary from one state to another. If you are interested in professional licensure outside of South Dakota, please check with the appropriate licensing body in the state where you intend to practice.