Feb 17, 2025  
Graduate Catalog ARCHIVED 2018-2019 
Graduate Catalog ARCHIVED 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Catalog ARCHIVED 2018-2019

Welcome from the Dean

Welcome to Dakota State University (DSU)! Thank you for choosing DSU to begin your graduate career! I want to personally share in this exciting time in your life by introducing you to the many opportunities that DSU has to offer. With DSU’s commitment to offer a quality education at an affordable price, we hope that DSU is the best choice for you.

Dakota State University offers graduate degree programs in Educational Technology (MSET), Cyber Defense (MSCD), Health Informatics and Information Management (MSHIIM), Computer Science (MSCSC), Analytics (MSA), Business Administration (MBA), Information Systems (MSIS and D.Sc.) and Cyber Security (D.Sc.). DSU also offer graduate certificates in Bank Security, Business Analytics, Digital Humanities, Ethical Hacking and Information Technology.

At Dakota State University we are determined to help every student succeed. A continuously changing world, rapidly advancing technology and an increasingly competitive work place demand that our students receive an education that sets them apart from all others. You will find this type of education and experience at Dakota State University, and we will assist you along the way to make sure you receive the education you need to reach all of your career goals! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Mark Hawkes, Ph.D.
Dean of Graduate Studies & Research

Mark Hawkes

Features of the On-line Catalog

The on-line catalog contains a number of features to assist you, including a personal portfolio to store favorite programs, courses and frequently accessed policies and procedures, advanced search options, intuitive navigation, and archived catalogs. Check out the DSU Catalog User Guide to learn more.

The Graduate Catalog is the official source of the university’s graduate academic programs, courses, policies, and procedures. The catalog should be used as a guide in planning a course of study and in meeting requirements for graduation.

The information contained in this catalog is the most accurate available at the time of publication, but changes may become effective before the next catalog is published. It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to stay abreast of current regulations, curricula, and the status of specific programs being offered. Furthermore, the University reserves the right, as approved by the Board of Regents, to modify requirements, curricula offerings and charges through appropriate procedures. The University reserves the right to change graduation or other academic requirements where changes are necessary to comply with Board of Regents policy directives, to meet external demands relating to accountability or accreditation standards, to reflect curriculum changes or substitutions or to implement evolving discipline requirements in major fields. While reasonable efforts will be made to publicize such changes, a student is encouraged to seek current information from appropriate offices.