Mar 31, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2013-2014 ARCHIVED 
Undergraduate Catalog 2013-2014 ARCHIVED [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Service and Facilities

Alumni Office

The Alumni Office is located in the Alumni and Foundation Building on the corner of Washington and 2nd Street. The Alumni Office takes an active role in maintaining communication with alums in various ways including the University Magazine, various online services and an active alumni social network. It also promotes reunions, and designs and implements recognition programs. One of the most important responsibilities of the alumni office is to maintain an accurate, up to date database of the alumni and friends of the University. This database contains vital information that is used by the university community in maintaining communication links with former students and friends of DSU.

Center of Excellence in Computer Information Systems

The Dakota State University Center of Excellence in Computer Information Systems includes faculty, staff, and students who have a very high level of information systems skills together with knowledge in a traditional discipline. This combination of expertise allows them to not only utilize information systems technology in their discipline but also to develop a systems approach to applications of information technology. The primary goal of the center is to provide graduates who can take the lead both in development and application of information technology tools for a wide variety of uses in business, industry, government, and education. Students from any degree program can be admitted into the Center of Excellence if they meet the center’s admissions standards. Admitted students then complete an 18 credit hour minor coursework, which includes an internship experience, a thesis, and other mandatory professional activities. Students who satisfactorily complete all of the requirements will be designated as graduates of the Center of Excellence. Applications for membership will be accepted from all undergraduate students who have completed less than 60 hours of total coursework. A secondary purpose of the center is to provide expert delivery programs related to computer and information management technology. The center carries out research and development activities in information management and hosts an annual conference to assist in the dissemination of results of the latest research results in the discipline. The full program can be found in the Interdisciplinary Studies section of this catalog.

Dakota English Language Institute

The Dakota English Language Institute was founded in 1991 to provide an intensive program of English language study for international students who need to improve their language skills before entering the university. The institute’s mission is to provide reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills along with computer skills so students can successfully complete a bachelor’s degree. The program runs year-round 12 weeks in the fall and spring and an intensive 8-week session in the summer. The institute provides full-time and part-time English instruction on a self-support basis. Students from all over the world are welcome. Enrollment often includes students from China, Saudi Arabia, Korea, and Japan. Classes are small to allow for individual attention. Advisors assist with many aspects of American life in hopes of a smooth transition to Dakota State University.

Extended Programs

Extended Programs is responsible for program planning, marketing, program implementation and overall management of courses and programs offered by alternative delivery (i.e., Internet, DDN) or at off-campus locations by Dakota State University. Working in partnership with the colleges and the institution’s academic support areas. Extended Programs works to design and develop active and collaborative degree programs at a distance or at off-campus sites such as the University Center in Sioux Falls.

The Extended Programs staff is located in the Tunheim Classroom Building.  The staff serves the needs of students who are enrolled in the online and videoconferencing courses at DSU and in courses at off-campus locations. The office is the mainstay of distance services to students, working with the administrative offices of DSU to provide these services. The office staff assists faculty in the design and implementation of courses delivered by various forms of technology. Proctoring services for online courses are provided by the Extended Programs office at DSU.  Contact or call toll free-800-641-4309 or local 605-256-5049 for information.  The office can be reached by calling (605) 256-5049 or toll-free at 800-641-4309, or by email at The Extended Programs web page is

The video conferencing classrooms on campus are located in the Tunheim Classroom Building (TCB). The Dakota Digital Network (DDN) room is located in TCB 103. The Governor’s Electronic Classroom (GEC) is located in TCB 111 and the third room is located in TCB 109. Anyone on campus who would like to schedule time in the video classrooms can contact Extended Programs at 605-256-5049. For technical support of videoconferencing classrooms and the presentation classroom equipment, please e-mail

State Authorization

Colleges and Universities who offer certain services to out-of-state students may be required to request authorization in the states whose students they serve.  DSU is intent on complying with all state regulations and will apply for authorization, when necessary, from those states where it conducts activities such as delivery of online courses, academic and athletic recruiting, marketing, etc.

Dakota State University is registered as a Private Institution with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to sections 136A.61 to 136A.71.  Regulation is not an endorsement of the institution.  Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions.

Dakota State University is registered with the Maryland Higher Education Commission to provide online distance education programs.

Notification of Complaint Process for Program Integrity 

Any person may file the complaint with the Executive Director of the South Dakota Board of Regents to obtain a review and appropriate action on allegations that an institution governed by the Board:

  • Violated South Dakota consumer protection laws;
  • Engaged in fraud or false advertising;
  • Violated South Dakota laws relating to the licensure of postsecondary institutions or programs;
  • Failed to provide an educational program meeting contemporary standards for content and rigor;
  • Failed to assign qualified instructors; or
  • Violated one or more accreditation requirements. 

Where the institution has not already considered and acted upon the complaint, the Executive Director will refer the matter to the institutional president for review and action.  If the complainant challenges an institutional disposition of the complaint, the Executive Director will provide for an independent review and disposition of the allegations.  The Executive Director may be contacted at: The Office of the Executive Director of the South Dakota Board of Regents, 306 East Capitol Avenue, Suite 200; Pierre, South Dakota 57501-2545; Phone (605) 773-3455;

Allegations involving violation of consumer protection laws may also be filed with Office of Attorney General, Division of Consumer Protection; 1302 E Hwy 14 Ste 3; Pierre SD  57501; Phone (605) 773-4400, 1-800-300-1986 (in-state only); Fax (605) 773-7163;; online complaint form,  


Pursuant to the United States Department of Education’s Program Integrity Rule, Dakota State University is required to provide all prospective and current students with the contact information of the state agency or agencies that handle complaints against postsecondary education institutions offering distance learning or correspondence education within that state. Students residing in other states while enrolled in a course offered by Dakota State University are encouraged to utilize the institution’s internal complaint or review policies and procedures prior to filing a complaint with the state agency or agencies. However, if the complaint is not resolved through these processes, a student may use the following list to identify the office(s) in the state in which the student resides to which the complaint against any public institution in South Dakota may be filed.   

Agencies by State where These Complaints may be Filed:  (NOTE: This list is subject to change.  If a student is not able to contact the appropriate agency in a given state, please contact the Offices of the South Dakota Board of Regents and assistance will be provided. (306 East Capitol Ave, Suite 200, Pierre, SD 57501; phone: (605)773-3455; e-mail:  

ALABAMA - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  Consumers can file consumer complaints with the Consumers Affairs Section of the Alabama Office of Attorney General. The consumer hotline number is 1-800-392-5658 and the link to the complaint form is

ALASKA - Complaints against postsecondary institutions may be filed with the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education, Contact person is Coordinator, Institutional Authorization, 907-465-6741.  In addition, consumers can file consumer complaints with the Consumer Protection Unit of the Alaska Office of Attorney General. The link to the complaint form is

ARIZONA - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  Consumers can file complaints with the Arizona Consumer Information and Complaints Division of the Arizona Attorney General’s Office. The telephone number is 1-800-352-8431 and the link to the complaint form is

ARKANSAS - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, Contact person is Coordinator of Institutional Certification, 501-371-2012.  In addition, consumers can file complaints with the Arkansas Attorney General Consumer Protection Division. The phone number is 1-800-482-8982.  The link to the complaint form is at

CALIFORNIA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education which is part of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Contact person is Deputy Bureau Chief, 916-431-6905.  The BPPE has a complaint form for students to complete which is available at  There is no separate consumer complaint process. 

COLORADO - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Colorado Department of Higher Education which is authorized to investigate student complaints involving deceptive trade practices. Contact information is Degree Authorization Act Officer, 303-866-2723, Colorado Department of Higher Education/Colorado Commission of Higher Education,  In addition, students can file consumer complaints with the Colorado Attorney General’s Office. The link to the complaint process is; The phone number for the Attorney General’s office is 303-866-4500.

CONNECTICUT - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  The Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection handles general consumer complaints. The complaint process is available at and complaints can be faxed to 860-713-7239.

DELAWARE - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  The Delaware Department of Justice, Consumer Protection Division, handles consumer fraud complaints. The complaint process is available at and complaints can be faxed to 302-577-6499. 

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Education Licensure Commission.  The contact is Education Compliance Specialist, Education Licensure Commission, 810 First Street, NE, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20002.  The complaint form is available at  There is no separate consumer complaint process.  

GEORGIA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission.   Complaints can be filed with the NPEC at 2082 East Exchange Place, Suite 220, Tucker, Georgia 30084, 770-414-3300. The complaint process is available at There is no separate consumer complaint process.  

HAWAII - No established consumer complaint process for students enrolled in public postsecondary institutions could be found. 

IDAHO - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  The Idaho Office of Attorney General Consumer Protection Division handles consumer complaints. The description of their complaint process and form is available at  Their phone number is 800-432-3545. 

ILLINOIS - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  The Consumer Protection Bureau of the Illinois Attorney General’s office handles consumer complaints. The description of their complaint process and complaint form is available at  The address for submitting complaints is Office of Illinois Attorney General, Consumer Protection Bureau, 500 South Second Street, Springfield, Illinois 62706.

INDIANA - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in public postsecondary institutions which are publicly funded.  Consumers can file complaints with the Consumer Protection Division of the Indiana Office of the Attorney General. The link to the Consumer Protection Division of the Indiana Office of the Attorney General is  The link to the printable complaint form is  Consumers can also request a complaint form by calling 1-800-382-5516 or (317) 232-6330.

IOWA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Iowa College Student Aid Commission which takes complaints from Iowa residents attending school anywhere.  The contact phone is: 877-272-4456.  The process for filing a complaint with the ICSAC (called Constituent Request for Review) is discussed at:  The link to the complaint form is:  In addition, students can file complaints with the Consumer Protection Division of the Iowa Office of the Attorney General. The link to the Consumer Protection Division of the Iowa Office of the Attorney General is link to the online complaint form is: The link to the printable complaint form is:

KANSAS - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Kansas Board of Regents, Private/Out-of-State Postsecondary Division. The contact person is Director of Private and Out-of-State Education, (785) 296-4917.  The process for filing a complaint with the KBOR is discussed at  The link to the complaint form is  In addition, consumers can file complaints with the Kansas Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division. The link to the Kansas Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division is  The link to the online complaint form is  The link to the printable complaint form is   

KENTUCKY - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. The contact person is the Director of Postsecondary Licensing, (502) 573-1555, ext. 350.  In addition, consumers can file complaints with the Consumer Protection Division of the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General. The link to the Consumer Protection Division of the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General is 

LOUISIANA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Louisiana Board of Regents PO Box 3677, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677. The contact point is the Associate Commissioner for Planning, Research and Performance, Louisiana Board of Regents.   An individual may file a written complaint with the Board of Regents. Board of Regents’ staff. 

MAINE - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  Consumers can file consumer complaints with the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Maine Attorney General. The link to the complaint form is:  

MARYLANDComplaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Office of the Attorney General or the or the Maryland Higher Education Commission.  Complaints should be directed to: Maryland Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division, 200 St. Paul St., Baltimore MD 21201, 410-528-8662/888-743-0823 (toll free).  

MASSACHUSETTS - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Department of Higher Education, One Ashburton Place, Room 1401, Boston MA 02180; 617.994.6950   In addition, consumers can file consumer complaints with the Public Inquiry & Assistance Center of the Office of the Attorney General of Massachusetts. The link to the complaint form is:  

MICHIGAN - No established consumer complaint process for students enrolled in public postsecondary institutions could be found.   

MINNESOTA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.;  phone 651-259-3975 or 651-259-3976.  In addition, The Minnesota attorney general has a consumer fraud complaint process that includes complaints relating to scholarship and financial aid scams. A Consumer Report Form can be downloaded from the AG’s website. The link is:  

MISSISSIPPI - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  A general consumer complaint process is provided by the attorney general’s office.  Complaints should be addressed to: Consumer Protection Division, Office of the Attorney General, P.O. Box 22947, Jackson, Mississippi 39225-2947. 

MISSOURI - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  The attorney general has provisions for filing general consumer complaints, which can be found at:  

MONTANA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Attorney General, Department of Justice, P.O. Box 201401, Helena, MT 59620; Phone: (406) 444-2026; Fax: (406) 444-3549; E-mail:  Montana State Board of Regents,  

NEBRASKA - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division may assist with certain complaints  

NEVADA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education, Attn: Student Complaints, 3663 East Sunset Road, Suite 202, Las Vegas, NV 89120,  There is no separate consumer complaint process.    

NEW HAMPSHIRE - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Executive Director, N.H. Postsecondary Education Commission, 3 Barrell Court, Suite 300, Concord, NH 03301.  There is no separate consumer complaint process.  

NEW JERSEY -  No established consumer complaint process for students enrolled in public postsecondary institutions could be found.   

NEW MEXICO - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the New Mexico Higher Education Department, 2048 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe, NM 87505; phone 505-476-8442. The complaint form is available at  There is no separate consumer complaint process.    

NEW YORK - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  A complaint of consumer fraud on the part of the institution should be directed to the Office of the New York State Attorney General, Justice Building, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223.

NORTH CAROLINA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Post-Secondary Education Complaints, c/o Assistant Director of Licensure and Workforce Studies, University of North Carolina General Administration. 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688, telephone (919) 962-4558. There is no separate consumer complaint process.    

NORTH DAKOTA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Office of Attorney General, Consumer Protection & Antitrust Division, Gateway Professional Center, 1050 East Interstate Ave. Ste. 200, Bismarck, ND 58503-5574, phone (701)328-5570, fax (701)328-5568.   

OHIO - No established consumer complaint process for students enrolled in public postsecondary institutions could be found.   

OKLAHOMA - No established consumer complaint process for students enrolled in public postsecondary institutions could be found.   

OREGON - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  Consumer complaints may be filed with the Oregon Department of Justice which handles consumer related complaints.   

PENNSYLVANIA - There does not appear to be any complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office handles consumer related complaints.  

RHODE ISLAND - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  Students with complaints involving possible illegal or criminal activity are referred to the local or the Rhode Island State Police, and complaints of discriminatory practices are referred to the Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights. 

SOUTH CAROLINA - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Nonpublic Institution Licensing, South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, 1333 Main Street, Suite 200, Columbia, SC 29201.   The complaint process is available at   While the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs handles consumer complaints, the information on its website indicates it refers complaints to the agency with direct jurisdiction, which in this case would be the South Carolina CHE. 

TENNESSEE - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed using a complaint form found at, The Division of Postsecondary Schools Authorization handles complaints.  This process applies to all complaints. 

TEXAS - No established consumer complaint process for students enrolled in public postsecondary institutions could be found.   

UTAH - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Utah Division of Consumer Protection using the complaint process link:  There is no separate consumer complaint process.    

VERMONT - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Vermont State Board of education using the complaint process link: .  There is no separate consumer complaint process.    

VIRGINIA - No established consumer complaint process for students enrolled in public postsecondary institutions could be found.   

WASHINGTON - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Higher Education Coordinating Board following the Board’s website at the link below. Information as to how and where to file is included. Complaints are submitted to  It is possible to bring a complaint regarding a school to the State Office of the Attorney General where the complaint pertains to a business operating in Washington.  

WEST VIRGINIA - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  Consumer complaints may be filed with the Attorney General’s office. Attorney General, Capitol Complex Building 1, Room E-26, 1900 Kanawha Blvd E, Charleston, WV 25305; phone 304-558-2021.

WISCONSIN - Complaints involving out-of-state institutions may be filed with the Educational Approval Board which has the authority to investigate a student complaint.  In addition, complaints may be filed with the Attorney General’s office.  

WYOMING - There is no complaint procedure specific to students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.  Consumers may complain to the Consumer Protection Unit of the Wyoming Attorney General’s office at  

Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment (OIEA) provides services to prospective and current students, supports the academic and administrative units in developing and evaluating their institutional effectiveness plans and assists the Assessment Coordinating Committee in evaluating DSU’s Academic Assessment Program. The OIEA supports student success and learning by providing assistance in test preparation and by providing services and information to students in a timely, efficient manner. The staff administers the following standardized exams: ACT, CLEP, DSST, COMPASS, ACCUPLACER, Praxis, Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP), and ETS MFTs.  The office supports the university’s accreditation processes through the Higher Learning Commission’s Academic Quality Improvement Program.  The office also provides assistance to the academic and administrative units in a broad range of activities including support for regional and program accreditation, conducting and analyzing surveys and administering and ensuring compliance with statewide policies.  The OIEA office houses the institutional research office, which serves as the official reporting department of data to external agencies (i.e. IPEDS, US News, NCES, etc.), faculty and staff.

Please contact the OIEA at 605-256-5101 or by e-mail at for additional information. The OIEA website also has information on each of these services.

The Karl E. Mundt Library and Information Commons

The Karl E. Mundt Library & Information Common’s mission is to support the academic programs and to graduate students who are able to find, evaluate, and use information to solve problems and to make decisions effectively. These students should have the knowledge and skills to function successfully as continuous learners in a continuously-changing information world. To successfully meet its mission, the Library provides excellent collections, information systems, services, instruction, and staff. The Library provides a relaxed and inviting setting for individual and group study. Wireless access extends to the Library’s pleasant front patio; a very popular spot on warm sunny days.

The Library provides access to an extensive collection of materials through its online library catalog which includes the over 4.5 million holdings of more than 70 member libraries of the South Dakota Library Network (SDLN). In addition to its print holdings, the Library subscribes to numerous electronic indexes and full text research databases, most notably, EBSCO’s Academic Search Premier, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ProQuest Research Library, ABI-Inform, MLA Bibliography, Lexis-Nexis and many, many more. These databases are authoritative scholarly research tools needed to support DSU’s academic programs. The Library’s website provides the on- and off-campus community with direct access to the information resources critical to the various disciplines. Materials held by other libraries are also readily available through the interlibrary loan system so rarely is the Library unable to quickly meet an individual’s information needs. The Library also provides online access to tutorials and other research aids for the independent scholar.

The most important and best resources available are the library staff. These trained professionals are here to help you find and use the resources you need – in person or online by using the “Ask a Librarian” link on the Library’s website. In addition to the collections, systems and services offered, library staff provides assistance and instruction to faculty and students through workshops, classroom and one-to-one instruction.

The Library has a wide array of digital equipment like video cameras and digital audio recorders for use by students as well as standard AV equipment like video players and format converters. Meeting rooms, collaboration spaces, study rooms and viewing rooms equipped with TV/DVD/VCR or video projectors connected to various types of players are also available. Many computer peripheral devices like cameras and recording devices are available for check out. Networked computers and scanners are located on the main floor as are many tables equipped with power sources for quick and easy Tablet PC battery recharging between classes.

Peer tutoring services are available in the Tutor Center located on the main floor of the Library.  Additional tutorial support is provided online in, and Learning Express Library; link to them in the Database Quicklinks drop down box on the Library’s main page. The tutor schedule is available online ( and posted the Library’s main desk.

The library building is open six days a week during fall and spring semesters, but 24-hour access for most resources and services is available through its website. During the fall and spring semesters, the building is open Sunday - Thursday until midnight with extended hours at the end of the semester.  Visit the Mundt Library’s homepage ( to search for information, request services, and learn more about the Library.

A helpful staff, attractive surroundings, modern facilities, and extensive materials all combine to make the Mundt Library a vital part of the educational program at Dakota State University.

Student Activities

Dakota State University offers a variety of campus-related activities and organizations. Each provides opportunities for personal, spiritual, physical, and intellectual growth. All students are encouraged to participate in campus organizations. The skill building which results from meaningful involvement combines with formal academic work to produce a competent and confident person. Information on the student activities sponsored or promoted by the institution is available in the Student Services Center in the Trojan Center.

Student Organizations

Student government is vested in the DSU Student Association Senate, which exists to help promote the general welfare of the University and to serve as an organized medium for expression of student opinion. The twenty-member Student Senate is a member of the South Dakota Federation of Student Governing Bodies, which provides an avenue for student communication with the Board of Regents and the public. Students also serve on the majority of the committees involved in institutional governance.

The Student Activities Board plans and conducts social, educational and recreational events for the University community. This group provides the foundation for activities programming on the campus and offers a variety of opportunities for student involvement.

Dakota State University students publish the campus e-newspaper, The Trojan Times, and students work at the student campus radio station, KDSU, which broadcasts campus, local and national events and music via the internet and public address system in the student union. This publication operates under the guidelines set forth by the Student Media Board, which is composed of administration, faculty, and student representatives and is designed to provide guidance and support to this publication.

Each of the academic disciplines has a student organization associated with it. Examples include the: Phi Beta Lambda Business Club, Computer Club, Health Information Management Club, Women in Science and Technology, South Dakota Education Association, and Students in Free Enterprise. In addition to providing opportunity for students in a given major to get better acquainted and enjoy working together, these organizations enable their members to supplement their in-class learning by inviting speakers to campus, sponsoring competitive events (both for the campus and for high school students), taking group trips, etc. These organizations also take pride in conducting service projects for the campus and the community.

A number of student organizations exist because their members share a common interest or goal in areas that is other than academic. Examples include the: Gaming Club, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, and the DSU Trojan Rhythm. As in the case of the academically related clubs, each of these organizations contributes to the growth of its participants and to the overall learning environment of the campus.

A major responsibility of the Director of Student Activities is to work closely with officers and advisors of student organizations to identify the particular needs of their groups and to design ways and means of meeting these needs. Assistance can take the form of individual meetings between the director and organizational officers, workshops for either officers from all interested organizations or the entire membership of a particular organization, or trips to another institution to visit with counterparts.

Theatre, Art and Music


Students are encouraged to participate in theatre productions. These activities are available for the student interested in performing or working with the technical aspects of theatre productions. Productions are staged in the Dakota Prairie Playhouse and range from a principle production each semester to student-directed, one-act plays.

Music and Art

Vocal and instrumental activities are also available on campus. The DSU Pep Band, Choir and Singers are open to all students wishing to participate and are available either for academic credit or on a non-credit basis. These groups perform at various occasions during the academic year.

Students are also provided opportunities for greater understanding, appreciation, and self-expression in the area of visual arts. Exhibits of faculty and student work appear on several occasions during the academic year in the Mundt Library Gallery. The DSU collection, consisting of art purchased with General Activity Fee funds, is located in offices and display areas across the campus.

Intramural Sports

The Dakota State University Intramural Sports program provides a wide variety of activities designed to encourage participation from every student on campus. Participation in the Intramural Sports program will prove beneficial to students personally, physically, physiologically, and socially. It affords the opportunity to develop the essential qualities of leadership, cooperation, self-reliance, and a sense of fair play as well as forming friendships that will endure throughout the years. The Intramural Sports program offers men, women & co-ed leagues in flag football, volleyball, basketball, ultimate frisbee and softball. The Department also sponsors special events and tournaments through out the school year. Intramural sports activities are listed on the web at

Career Services-Student Employment, Internships & Placement

The Career Services Office, located in 206 Heston Hall, assists students in seeking and securing part-time positions, internships, or full-time employment. Students are informed of existing vacancies, assisted with application procedures, and guided toward additional opportunities for student employment. Part-time positions are available during regular semesters and full-time employment is available during the summer. Internships are available to qualifying students.

The Career Services Office is the primary office for assisting students with the transition from college to career. Job lists are prepared from various resources including employer, as well as exchange listings from outside sources.

Additionally, on-going seminars are provided to assist students with the job search, job application, and interviewing process. To add to students’ placement success, employers come to campus to specifically interview students at DSU for internships and full-time employment.

Student Services

The purpose of Student Services is to provide programs, services, and facilities which directly contribute to the personal growth of each student and which enable that student to be as successful as possible in their scholarly activities.


The University Bookstore is operated as a service to students, faculty, and staff. The store is conveniently located in the Trojan Center. It is a recognized source for textbooks, art and office supplies, full-version academically priced software, university clothing, and memorabilia. The Bookstore is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. during the summer months.

The Bookstore’s major function is to provide the textbooks required to support the academic programs of the university. Used books are available for many courses at a substantial savings over new book prices. The general reading section includes a reference area, study aids, regional authors, etc. The Bookstore will special-order books, not in stock.

The Bookstore also stocks gift items, university t-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, backpacks, decals, school memorabilia, binders, folders, pens, pencils, notebooks, electronic items, and computer supplies. Other services include postage stamps for purchase, along with a mail drop; personal check cashing (up to $10.00). All sales are cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Trojan Gold. Students, parents and alumni are able to shop online via

Full refunds will only be given on returns accompanied by the sales receipt. Do not write in books until you are certain that you intend to keep them. Full refunds are given on books that are returned in new condition within five days of the semester opening, two days for summer terms. Returns accompanied by a completed drop/add slip will be given a full refund for ten days after the start of the semester. Returns after that time will receive wholesale value. At the end of the semester, a book buy-back is held during finals week. Books that are being used again the next semester (based on written orders from instructors) will be purchased at 1/2 the new book retail price. If the Bookstore is unable to buy the textbook, the Nebraska Book Company may purchase the book at wholesale prices.

Campus Housing

Dakota State University is committed to providing residence halls which are comfortable and safe and which support personal growth. Not only does the student who lives on campus benefit from interaction with others in his/her hall, but he/she is more aware of the opportunities available on campus for learning and growth and better able to take advantage of them. It is for this reason that the South Dakota Board of Regents requires all unmarried students, during the first two years from the time they were graduated from high school and who are enrolled on a main campus for six or more credit hours, to reside on campus. A student may obtain an exemption from this requirement if they live full-time with their parents.

First year out of high school students will benefit from becoming members of the first year in residence experience program (FYRE).   All first year students will be housed in Zimmermann and Higbie Halls.  Upper class halls include Richardson, Emry and the 8-plex apartment complex.  Each of the halls is staffed with a resident director, four resident assistants and a custodian.  The resident assistants are students hired by the Residence Life Office to assist the resident director in creating and maintaining a quality living-learning environment.  Each hall has a hall council, elected by the occupants, that serves to promote hall spirit and involvement. 

Housing contracts are sent by the Admissions Office to prospective students upon admission to the University.  Room assignments are made by the Resident Life Office.  Roommate requests will be honored when each person requests the other as a roommate.  First year out of high school students will be assigned to another first year out of high school student.  A limited number of designed single rooms are available in the upper class halls only.  Single occupancy of a double room, at the single room rate, is permitted when space is available, and is basis on  seniority in terms of semester hours completed.  All students intending to live in on-campus housing will receive their room assignment by mail in mid-July and are expected to move into the room assigned to them.

Each room is provided with study desks and chairs, single beds, loft kits, closets and shades.  Additional furnishing in reasonable amount and size are permitted according to the room furnishings policy.  Cable TV, local area network access and wireless internet are included in the semester room fee.  Each hall has one or more kitchens, TV lounges and card/coin-operated washers and dryers.

Diversity Services

The principle responsibility of Diversity Services is to educate and enhance the understanding, commitment, awareness, and dedication of the university to pluralism, social justice education, and preparedness to be successful in the evolving “global village”.

Our commitment to diversity and academic excellence is reflected in the following goals for the university.

GOAL 1: To create a university that encourages and models respect for all individuals and provides equitable opportunity for the attainment of professional goals and personal fulfillment.

GOAL 2: To create a diverse community of students that reflects both societal and individual differences.

GOAL 3: To create a diverse community of faculty, staff and administration that reflects both societal and individual differences.

Food Service

The University Food Service is operated by ARAMARK for the benefit of the students and staff of Dakota State University. The Marketplace, located in the Trojan Center, is the dining room of the campus. The all-you-care-to-eat style dining allows the customer to pick and choose a variety of options with one payment upon entering the dining area.  In order to meet the diverse interests of customers, the Marketplace offers an expanded style of service including comfort, exhibition station, deli, soups, salads, pizza, grill and fresh baked goods.  A computerized cash register deducts the value of the food selected from the individual’s meal plan balance.

Hours of service are Monday - Friday:  Breakfast 7:30 - 10:45 a.m.; Lunch 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.; Light Lunch 1:00 - 4:45 p.m.; and Dinner 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. (Friday close at 7:00 p.m.); Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. and Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.  Meal plans are designed for this style of eating and also accept Trojan Gold, Faculty Flex, Meal Plan Flex, Cash and Credit Card at a casual door rate for each meal period.

Myxer’s Lounge is where you will find Einstein Bros. Bagels and Bits ‘n Bytes C-store.  Einstein’s Bagels offers a wide variety of espresso and non-espresso drinks, hot and cold, to compliment your favorite bagel sandwich.  Einstein’s Bagels open Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Saturday-Sunday Closed.  Bits ‘n Bytes C-store provides the basic needs for college life.  Utilize your meal plan flex dollars to purchase items to cook for yourself in the residence halls or a snack in the middle of the afternoon.  Hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Saturday - Closed and Sunday 6:30 - 11:00 p.m.

All dining services locations including concessions accept Meal Plan Flex, Trojan Gold, Cash, Visa, MasterCard and Discovery.  Meal Plan Flex, Faculty Flex and Trojan Gold are also accepted in vending machines with card readers.

MEAL PLANS - All meal plans have the tax included in the total cost and are for each semester.  All meal plan meals are non-refundable and must be used within the semester of purchase.  Fall meal plan flex is transferable to spring semester or forfeited if student is not attending spring semester.  All Meal Plan Flex is non-refundable at the end of spring semester.  Freshman living on campus are able to select the Big Blue, Dakota 150 or Dakota 125.  Second year students can select the Trojan Basic plan.  The Trojan Advanced plan is available to students who have been out of high school for more than two years.  For a student withdrawing from the University, the meal plan refund will be based upon the pro-rata unused portion of the plan up to the 60% point.

  •       Big Blue plan costs $1,583.90/semester.
  •       Dakota plan costs $1,266.40/semester.
  •       Trojan Basic plan costs $1,118.40/semester.
  •       Trojan Advanced plan costs $365.80/semester.

The University Food Service professional staff is dedicated to providing each student with as much personalized service as possible. Students are encouraged to contact the Food Service Director with questions and suggestions. 

Student Development

The Student Development Office, located in the Student Services Center in the lower level of the Trojan Center, provides a variety of services related to student retention. It functions as a central location for students, faculty and staff to establish relationships that will promote personal and academic excellence for each and every student. The personnel within Student Development support student involvement in, and ownership of, their unique learning process. The mission is to help each student succeed academically, socially, and personally in an interdisciplinary world. Relationship development, personal discovery and developmental counseling are tools Student Development staff employ to help students to achieve academic and personal success.

Student Success Assistants work in the Student Success Center, located in the lower level of the Trojan Center. They assist students in learning basic academic skills. Student Success Assistants are students who have learned good basic academic skills and are working toward achieving personal goals.


Personal: Personal counseling services are readily available and provided by on-staff counselors. Students can access personal counseling, chemical dependency counseling, and therapy services through agencies within the Madison community by referral of Student Development staff. Self-help resources are available for students, faculty, and staff on topics ranging from stress and time management to test anxiety.

Academic: The Student Development Office collaborates with and supports the counseling efforts of academic advisors. Supportive student development professionals will work with students and their professors if difficulties are encountered with their classes. Test anxiety and time and stress management problems are evaluated and solutions are implemented to achieve success in the course.

Probation: Students on academic probation are counseled, mentored, and monitored to facilitate the student’s progress toward good academic standing. Regular meetings are conducted with on-going, individualized attention given to students on academic probation.

Academic Resources

Student Success Center - The Student Success Center is located in the lower level of the Trojan Center and employs Student Success Assistants - students who have learned good academic skills, and are successful at Dakota State. They assist students in learning basic academic skills like time management, effective note taking and test taking. They are also available to answer questions about anything from dealing with stress to questions about adjusting to college life. The Student Success Center also contains a variety of resources that assist students in cultivating academic skills that will help them to be successful at the university level.

Early Alert Referral System - Early Alert (EA) is a web-based referral system, used by instructors to identify and refer students who are experiencing academic, attendance, or other difficulties in class, to be a centralized campus liaison, the Student Success/Retention Coordinator. The goal of Early Alert is to provide our students with an academic support system, which includes information and access to academic tools available that can help improve their performance, such as academic counseling, tutoring, or referrals to other appropriate resources.

When an Early Alert referral is received, the Student Success/Retention Coordinator contacts the referred student, and provides information and referrals to one or more of the following resources:

  • DSU tutors, My Math Lab tutors, or online tutoring
  • Success Center Assistants (for assistance with basic study skills and time management skills)
  • ADA (American’s with Disabilities) information, which may include referrals to appropriate testing to determine eligibility for ADA accommodations
  • Information on personal or alcohol counseling

Following the referral, the Student Success/Retention Coordinator provides feedback to the instructor and academic advisor regarding the action taken to assist the student.

Policy and procedures for the EA system can be found at

Tutoring services are available to all DSU students. Tutors are on staff at the tutor desk in the Library & Learning Commons approximately 60 hours per week. For a complete schedule of tutoring services and available content areas, visit

Alcohol and Other Drugs

AOD programming assists students in developing healthy life styles. Educational programs, mentoring programs, counseling, and alternative leisure activities contribute to retention and success of students.

Americans with Disabilities

(See Related Section  in University Policies)

ADA academic assistance is facilitated through the Student Development Office. Professional personnel will counsel, refer, and/or assist students who have ADA-documented disabilities to help them to become successful and accomplished students. Programming is also provided to build student and faculty awareness of ADA issues.

Student Health

Health services for students at Dakota State University have been contracted with two local providers which include the Interlakes Medical Center (903 N. Washington) and the Madison Community Hospital (917 N. Washington). Health services are available to students paying the General Activity Fee, for initial examination and medical care, administering of immunization and allergy shots and assistance with health and wellness questions/concerns. The clinic will also present educational programs and provide wellness programming throughout the year.

The South Dakota Board of Regents has endorsed an accident and sickness insurance plan for students taking 5 or more credit hours. The plan which also has provisions for students’ spouses and their dependents. Purchase of the insurance plan is required for all international students who are not permanent residents, their spouses, and their dependents. Students are strongly encouraged to maintain their own health insurance coverage.

University Card

The University Card is the official identification card for the DSU community. The Card provides access to the Library, the Community Center, residence halls and various activities and athletic events. The Card, which is not transferable to another person, should carried at all time on campus.

In addition to serving as an access card, the University Card carries various meal plan choices and can act as a pre-paid, stored-value debit card through a program called Trojan Gold. Funds stored as Trojan Gold may be used at the Bookstore, the Production Center, vending machines, copiers, concessions, the Marketplace, Einstein Bros. Bagel, and Bits N’ Bytes. It can also be used off campus at Classic Corner Convenience, Dairy Queen, McDonald’s, Pizza Ranch, Scooby’s Convenience, Stadium Sports Grill and Taco John’s. 

A Trojan Gold account can be opened with an initial deposit of $25 or more.  Funds may be added at any time by means of cash, check or credit/debit card.  You are also able to register yourself on the E-Accounts site at  On this site you are able to add funds to your card via credit/debit card, deactivate/reactivate your card if lost or stolen, and look at your personal transactions.  Once you have registered yourself as an eAccounts user online, you may also add the eAccounts mobile app to your Apple or Android device by searching for “Blackboard Transact Mobile eAccounts” in the App store.  This app does the same functions as the online web eAccounts but with added convenience of being able to access it on the go.  Before you can add money onto your card via your mobile device, however, you must first have a saved payment at the online eAccounts site as you will not be able to add debit/credit card information the mobile device.

If a card is lost or stolon, it should be reported immediately to the University Card Office in the Student Services Center or go on to eAccounts or mobile app and deactivate your card.  Once deactivated, funds are protected.

University Center in Sioux Falls, Rapid City and Pierre

The Universities Centers in Sioux Falls (UC-SF), Rapid City (UC-RC) and Pierre (CUC) are partnerships among South Dakota’s six public universities:  Black Hills State University, Dakota State University, Northern State University, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, South Dakota State University and the University of South Dakota, working cooperatively to deliver accessible, high-quality education in convenient locations throughout the state of South Dakota. 

Dakota State University provides these degree programs in Sioux Falls:

Dakota State University provides these degree programs in Rapid City:

DSU also provides general education courses at the University Center in Sioux Falls.

For specific program information, contact Enrollment Services in Madison at (605)256-5139;
UC Sioux Falls at (605)367-5640 or;
UC Rapid City at (605)718-4112 or;
Capitol University Center in Pierre at (605)773-2160 or