Mar 31, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2013-2014 ARCHIVED 
Undergraduate Catalog 2013-2014 ARCHIVED [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Education


Minors and Endorsements



Gale Wiedow, Associate Professor and Interim Dean

Crystal Pauli, Associate Professor and Associate Dean

Professor: Judy Dittman, Mark Hawkes, Vicki Sterling

Associate Professors: Timothy Fiegen, Mark Geary, Jennifer Nash, Haomin Wang,

Assistant Professors: Anita Gust, Kevin Krahenbuhl, Gabe Mydland, Scott Staiger

Instructors/Lecturers: Josh Anderson, Michael Caniglia, Anthony Drealan, Gary Garner, Brad Gilbert, Scott Hortness, Carla Miller, Kevin Smith, Sandi Steinhoff-Muller, LeRoy Stevenson, Amy Veenhof

Vision and Mission Statement, Core Values, Conceptual Framework, and Standards of the College of Education

The 1881 Dakota Territorial Legislature established Dakota State University to prepare teachers to help meet the needs of an emerging society - that of the western frontier. Today, South Dakota again faces a new frontier - the Information Age. Dakota State University now prepares teachers to meet these new challenges and to lead the process of technological change in schools. Our graduates have the will, the expertise, and the vision to advocate for the paradigm shifts required of schools in the 21st century.

The College of Education has kept the best of its heritage and tradition in teacher preparation by continuing to meet the needs of a changing profession. As the profession faces the new demands the 21st century places upon society’s educational structures, the College recognizes its teacher education graduates must do more than simply prepare for the coming changes. Its graduates must be empowered to actively participate in shaping the changes that will characterize schools in the future.

Technology is one of the primary vehicles of change through which the teaching profession marshals its energy and collective wisdom to create the schools of the 21st century. Technology connects teachers and students to the global environment enabling them to imagine, create, evaluate, and solve problems even from distant locations. Teachers use computers to design instruction, manage classroom activities and resources, create lessons, prepare assessments, and perform tasks not yet envisioned. All Dakota State University teacher education graduates earn a certification in K-12 Educational Technology on their certificate due to the intense computing preparation they receive in their programs.


The vision of the College of Education is to prepare highly-qualified educators and be recognized in the state and nation for outstanding programs.


The mission of the College of Education is to guide undergraduate and graduate students through the process of acquiring and applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions with emphasis on integrating technology in the teaching and learning process to positively impact K-12 learning.

Conceptual Framework

Teaching: A Journey worth taking.

Teacher Education Program Standards:

Our teacher candidates will:

  • understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the content/subject matter/disciplines they teach and be able to create learning experiences that make these aspects meaningful for learners.
  • understand how children learn, construct knowledge, and develop, and be able to provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social and personal development.
  • understand how learners differ in their approaches to learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.
  • understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
  • use an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
  • use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
  • plan instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, the learners, the community, and curriculum goals.
  • understand and use formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social and physical development of the learner.
  • be reflective practitioners who continually evaluate the effects of their choices and actions on others (students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community) and who actively seek opportunities to grow professionally.
  • collaborate with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support students’ learning and well-being.
  • understand the capabilities of technology, its impact on education and be able to integrate technology into the teaching and learning process.

Title II of Higher Education Act Reporting Requirements

Title II of the Higher Education Act includes reporting requirements directed towards establishing accountability for programs that prepare teachers. Institutions of higher education that prepare teachers must report to the state and to the public program information about the length of clinical experience, faculty-student ratio of supervision for clinical experience, and other supplementary contextual information about the teacher preparation program. This act also calls for states to establish criteria to assess the performance of teacher preparation programs including indicators of teacher candidate knowledge and skills and to identify low-performing programs of teacher preparation.

During the 2011-2012 academic year, 127 students were enrolled in teacher education programs at Dakota State University. A total of 99 students were enrolled in a supervised clinical experiences during the same year. These 99 students were supervised by a total of 14 supervisors for a 7.07 student teacher/faculty ratio. The College of Education at Dakota State University is accredited by the South Dakota Department of Education and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. The College of Education has not been identified as low performing by the State of South Dakota.


Baccalaureate degrees are available in Elementary Education, Elementary Education/ Special Education, K-12/Secondary Education, Exercise Science and Physical Education.

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

Elementary education graduates are prepared to teach kindergarten through eighth grade. Students may take additional coursework to earn certification to teach kindergarten, or to coach athletics. Students may also complete additional coursework to earn minors in PK-12 Reading, K-12 Educational Technology and Elementary Education Mathematics.

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education / Special Education

Elementary Education / Special Education graduates are prepared to teach kindergarten through eighth grade as either a classroom teacher, a K-8 special education teacher or a K-12 special education teacher. These elementary teachers possess the unique knowledge and skills needed to work effectively with children having special learning and behavioral needs and may serve children with special needs in inclusive and/or resource settings. Students may receive additional certification in kindergarten, or to coach athletics. Students may also complete additional coursework to earn minors in PK-12 Reading, K-12 Educational Technology and Elementary Education Mathematics.

Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science

The Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science is a professional degree designed to prepare students for a successful career in the fast-growing fitness and wellness industry. The flexible and interdisciplinary nature of the degree enables students to obtain an education that best meets their individual career goals, whether those goals are related to corporate and private fitness, community and hospital-based wellness and rehabilitation programs, or graduate studies.

Bachelor of Science in Education, Physical Education

The Physical Education Major for Bachelor of Science in Education prepares graduates to teach Physical Education in elementary, middle and secondary schools and provides the courses necessary for the K-12 Educational Technology Endorsement as well as in an additional minor of the student’s choice.

Bachelor of Science in K-12 and Secondary Education

Graduates of K-12 teacher education programs are prepared in either computer education or physical education. Secondary education graduates are prepared to teach in grades 7 through 12 in their content area major which may include biology, business, English, or mathematics. Supporting minor/endorsement programs leading to certification are available in 7-12 biology, 7-12 business, 7-12 chemistry, 7-12 history, literature and composition, 7-12 English: 7-12 speech/communication/drama, 7-12 marketing, 7-12 mathematics, elementary math, 7-12 physics, pre K-12 reading, 7-12 sociology, K-12 physical education, K-12 health, and K-12 art.

Center of Excellence Honors Program

The Dakota State University Center of Excellence Honors Program targets high achieving students. Successful completion of the program requirements by the student will result in the student being designated “Center of Excellence Honors Graduate.”This designation will appear on the student’s transcripts, diplomas, and the commencement program. The full program can be found in the General Studies  section of this catalog

Field Experiences

Beginning with the first professional education course, all education majors have a variety of experiences in area schools which allow them to experience the application of theories learned in their coursework. Field experiences are integrated into coursework throughout the program, increasing in concentration from structured observations to instructional decision-making. The program’s unique feedback process develops effective teaching proficiencies through professional assessments.

Professional education courses in all teacher education programs have a field-based component. Students who register for these classes are responsible to meet these requirements outside of the regular class meeting times. Students will be informed of field-based requirements at the beginning of each course through the course syllabus and additional information provided by the course instructor. Students must successfully complete the field-based component in order to receive course credit.

Requirements for Admission
Admission to Teacher Education

Admission to teacher education is required for all students expecting to complete a teacher education program leading to initial certification in any teaching field. Students must be admitted in order to enroll in any course in the Early and Advanced Professional Blocks.

Submission of Application Packet

Admission to the teacher education program requires the submission of a formal application to the Student Assessment and Monitoring Committee, c/o College of Education. The application packet may be submitted after 32 semester hours of coursework and during the semester preceding the semester of enrollment in teacher education courses.

Requirements for Admission to the Teacher Education Program

All candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Education degree or for certification only must complete a major in a certifiable teaching area. The following requirements must be met:

  1. Declare a major and minor if required. Students must meet specific requirements of the major/minor and should consult with the respective college to determine specific requirements.
  2. A cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better in all course work attempted.
  3. Complete courses in written communications, oral communications, and mathematics (ENGL 101 , SPCM 101 , and MATH 102 , or higher math class) with no grade less than “C”.
  4. Complete the pre-professional courses (EDFN 338 , EPSY 302 , and SPED 100 ) with a “C” or better.
  5. Successfully complete Praxis I Pre-Professional Skills Tests in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics and computer competency tests according to current established minimum scores.
  6. Obtain signed recommendation forms from at least two faculty members. One must be from an instructor of either EDFN 338 , SPED 100 , or EPSY 302 . The other form must be completed by the student’s advisor.
  7. Submit an electronic teacher education portfolio with all artifacts delineated in the Application to Teacher Education.
  8. Sign professional conduct statement and a disclosure statement of convictions for certification in South Dakota.
  9. Attend an Admission to Teacher Education session at the beginning of the semester of application
  10. Verification of successful completion of 30 hours of community service.

Notification of Application Status for Admission to Teacher Education Program

Upon review of application materials, the Student Assessment and Monitoring Committee notifies students in writing of their acceptance status. Admission applications are placed in one of four categories, as follows:

Admission: Applicants who meet all criteria are given this status and are granted immediate admission. Thereafter, students are free to enroll in the necessary professional education courses.

Provisional Admission: Applicants who do not meet all of the criteria, but who are currently engaged in completing the missing requirements, are granted provisional admission. At the time the appropriate documentation is submitted indicating deficiencies have been removed, the student is granted full admission to the teacher education program.

Denied: Students whose difficulties in meeting admission criteria are deemed severe are denied admission. These students are notified of the denied admission and referred to their adviser in order to develop a plan to correct the deficiencies. The student’s adviser submits an Advisee Plan of Action form to the Chair of the Student Assessment and Monitoring Committee. A completion date is included in the plan and the Chair of the Student Assessment and Monitoring Committee monitors the completion of the plan. Upon its successful completion, the student may then resubmit an application for admission. If the student fails to complete the plan, the adviser and Chair of the Student Assessment and Monitoring Committee help the student determine whether to continue to address the problem or to explore other alternatives.

Conditional Admission: Requests for variance from the admission policy may be granted in rare cases or under extraordinary circumstances. If the variance is approved, applicants may be granted Conditional Admission to the teacher education program. Conditional Admission is not granted routinely. Any student who wishes to request a variance from the admission requirements must submit a written request for consideration to the Student Assessment and Monitoring (SAM) Committee of the Professional Education Council. All requests for variance must include any and all documentation presented as evidence to support the request and must include a plan and projected date for the completion of the admission requirements. The SAM Committee will act on all requests in a timely manner.

Approval for Student Teaching

The capstone experience of the teacher education program at Dakota State University is student teaching which occurs during the final semester prior to graduation. Student teaching is a major component of the curriculum and a professional development experience. During student teaching, the aspiring teacher reconstructs and tests theory, applies it, and further develops a personal teaching style. Within student teaching, the student assumes major responsibility for the full range of teaching in an approved school situation under the guidance of qualified personnel from Dakota State University and the cooperating elementary and secondary schools. Student teachers are normally placed in only those school districts with which the College of Education has formal agreements. While students may request specific student teaching sites, locations for student teaching are influenced by the availability of host schools and faculty availability for supervision. The final decision for student teaching sites is made by the Director of Field Services.

Requirements for Admission to Student Teaching

Candidates must file an application with the College of Education during the semester prior to student teaching.

To qualify for student teaching, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  1. Formal admittance into the teacher education program.
  2. A cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better.
  3. A 2.7 or better GPA in content major.
  4. Satisfactory completion of all coursework prior to student teaching.
  5. Satisfactory completion of all professional education coursework, with a “C” or better.
  6. Satisfactory completion of Level III Field Experiences based on an evaluation from the cooperating teacher and a recommendation from the assigned university supervisor.
  7. Successfully complete Praxis II Content Exam(s) in applicable certification area(s) according to current established minimum scores.
  8. Submit and gain approval of electronic portfolio (contents indicated in application materials).
  9. Request ADA accommodation if necessary. ADA students must submit recommendation from the ADA Committee to be admitted.
  10. Schedule an appointment with the Registrar to review the degree/program audit (computer record of status of completion of degree/program requirements which also identifies any outstanding coursework). Candidates may also complete the application for graduation during this appointment.
  11. Submit a disclosure statement of convictions for certification in South Dakota.

NOTE: Admission to Student Teaching is required for enrollment in ED 488 , ELED 488 , SPED 488  and SEED 488 .

Teaching Certification and Licensure

Teaching certificates in South Dakota are issued by the South Dakota Department of Education. The elementary certificate qualifies the holder to teach subjects in grades K-8. The K-12 or secondary certificate qualifies the holder to teach subjects in grades K-12 or 7-12 respectively. A middle level certification and applicable middle school content certification are required to teach in formally organized middle schools or junior highs in South Dakota. All teacher education programs at Dakota State University include a middle level certification that is embedded into required education coursework while middle school content certification will continue to require completion of specific content courses, and successful completion of Praxis content exam in area of certification.

Students who successfully complete teacher education programs at Dakota State University are eligible to receive a recommendation for the applicable teaching certification in the State of South Dakota. All education graduates are encouraged to apply for South Dakota certification immediately upon completion of their degree.

Teacher education graduates may also be eligible for Dakota State University recommendation for certification in other states, but because teaching certification/licensure requirements vary among states, Dakota State University cannot guarantee the graduate will be immediately certified in a particular state. To obtain specific requirements, contact the Certification Officer in the College of Education.

Certification Exams

Content Certification Exam:

Teacher education students making application to student teach must take the South Dakota state certification exam for the major(s) level of preparation in the semester prior to which they plan to student teach. These students must achieve the qualifying score on the South Dakota certification content exam(s) and submit an official copy of the test scores including any subtest provided by the testing company to the College of Education prior to beginning student teaching.

Pedagogy Certification Exam:

Teacher education students must take the South Dakota state certification pedagogy exam in the semester in which they student teach and submit an official copy of the test scores including any subtest scores provided by the testing company to the College of Education in order to complete the teacher education program.

Teacher education students will be advised to take the level of the South Dakota state certification pedagogy exam (elementary or secondary) that corresponds to the level at which they will have spent the majority of time in the student teaching placement by the test administration date. Teacher education students will be advised to take the South Dakota state certification pedagogy exam during the semester in which they student teach.

Bachelor of Science in Education - K-12 and Secondary Education Degrees

K-12 and secondary degree requirements are listed within the indicated academic colleges

Arts & Sciences

Biology Education 7-12
English Education 7-12
Mathematics Education 7-12

Business & Information Systems

Business Education 7-12
Computer Education K-12

Cooperative Programs with South Dakota State University

Dakota State University and South Dakota State University have established cooperative programs for early childhood education majors from SDSU and elementary or elementary/special education majors from DSU. Options allow students from these institutions to receive certification, additional endorsement programs, and even second degrees to meet various individual needs.

An explanation of all the options in the agreement and lists of requirements and courses is available in the College of Education office.