Jan 24, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Policies

Academic Credit for Non-Traditional Learning Experiences

Dakota State University allows undergraduate degree-seeking students who are currently enrolled to earn academic credit for non-traditional learning experiences when those experiences are equivalent to coursework provided at Dakota State University. DSU also allows credit for Departmental Credit by Examination and Dual credit for High School in addition to external evaluations such as Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Test Military Credit (DSST), and International Baccalaureate.  DSU will evaluate and record credit for the non-traditional learning experience of degree-seeking students currently enrolled at Dakota State University or former students of Dakota State University seeking enhanced certification, licensure or employment opportunities.

Baccalaureate-degree students may earn a maximum of 30 semester hours and associate-degree students may earn a maximum of 15 semester hours via non-traditional learning experiences other than nationally recognized examinations. These maximum credit limits apply, regardless of the number of majors in which the student is enrolled. If credit by examination is accepted, their permanent record will show the equivalent course name and a grade of “EX” for the specified number of credits. If credit is accepted by another form of validation, the grade will be “S” for the specified number of credits. No entry will be made on the record if the examination is failed. The examination results will not be included in calculation of either the semester or the cumulative grade point average. Credit earned for nontraditional learning experience will not meet degree residency requirements. If a student has not successfully completed a course (a grade of D or F) credit for prior learning/work experience cannot be used to gain credit for the failed course.

Dakota State University cannot guarantee that credit earned for non-traditional learning experience at DSU will transfer to other institutions, since institutional practices/policies vary.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Credit for work accomplished in high school through the Advanced Placement program of the College Examination Board will be awarded, based on the approved exams and scores noted in the university catalog under “Advanced Placement”. South Dakota public university system will only accept Advanced Placement scores recorded within five years from the time a student seeks credit by examination.

  1. Students complete the Advanced Placement test administered by their high schools and request that the scores be reported to Dakota State University.
  2. Advance Placement sends scores report to the students and to DSU’s Provost/Academic Vice President Office.  The Provost/Academic Vice President’s Office notifies the student and Registrar of the exam results.  The Registrar enters the credit for the examinations on the students’ transcripts.  Nothing is entered on transcripts if the AP score does not meet DSU credit standards
Discipline Examination Title Minimum Acceptable Score DSU Course
ART History of Art 3 ARTH 211  
  Studio Art - Drawing Portfolio 3 ART 111  
  Studio Art - General Portfolio 3 ART 121  
  Studio Art - 3D 3 ART 123  
BIOL Biology 3 BIOL 151  
    5 BIOL 151  and BIOL 153  
BIOL Environmental Science 3 BIOL Elective
CHEM Chemistry 3 CHEM 112  
    5 CHEM 112  and CHEM 114  
CSC Computer Science A 3 CSC 150  
CSC Computer Science Principles 3 CSC Elective
ECON Macroeconomics 3 ECON 202  
ECON Microeconomics 3 ECON 201  
ENGL English Language & Composition 3 ENGL 101  
ENGL English Literature & Composition 3 ENGL 210  
FREN French Language 3 FREN 202*
    4-5 FREN 202 and FREN 392**

* Retroactive credits for FREN 101, FREN 102, and FREN 201 earned if FREN 310 is completed with a grade of “C.”

** Retroactive credits for FREN 101, FREN 102, and FREN 201 may be earned if an appropriate upper-division course is completed with a grade of ‘C’ or above.

GEOG Human Geography 3 GEOG 200  
GERM German Language 3 GERM 202*
    4, 5 GERM 202 & GERM 392**

* Retroactive credits for GERM 101, 102 and 201 earned if 311 or 312 is completed with a grade of “C” or better.

** Retroactive credits for GERM 101, 102 and 201 may be earned if an appropriate upper-division course is completed with a grade of “C” or above.

POLS Government & Policies - Comparative 3 POLS 141
POLS Government & Politics - U.S. 3 POLS 100  
HIST History-European 3 HIST 122  
HIST History-United States 3-4 HIST 151  
    5 HIST 151  and HIST 152  
  History-World - Note: Students receiving a score of 3 or higher on the World History-Modern exam are able to earn credit for HIST 111 until the start of the Spring 2023 semester.  Students receiving a score of 4-5 are able to earn credit for HIST 111 and 112 until the start of the Spring 2023 semester.  After the start of the Spring 2023 semester, students must earn a score of 3 or higher to earn credit for HIST 112. 3 HIST 112  
LATI Latin Literature 3 LATI 101 and LATI 102
    4 LATI 101, LATI 102 and LATI 201
    5 LATI 101, LATI 102,
LATI 201 and LATI 202
LATI Latin - Vergil 3 LATI 101 and LATI 102
    4 LATI 101, LATI 102 and LATI 201
    5 LATI 101, LATI 102,
LATI 201 and LATI 202
MATH Mathematics - Calculus AB 3 MATH 123  
MATH Mathematics - AB Subscore on the BC Calculus 3 MATH 123  
MATH Mathematics - Calculus BC 3 MATH 123  and MATH 125  
MATH Statistics 3 MATH 281  
MUS Music Theory 5 MUS 110
PHYS Physics B 3, 4 PHYS 111  and  PHYS 113  
PHYS Physics 1: Algebra-based 3 PHYS 111  
PHYS Physics 2: Algebra-based 3 PHYS 113  
PSYC Psychology 3 PSYC 101  
SPAN Spanish Language 3 SPAN 202 *
    4, 5 SPAN 202  and SPAN 392**
SPAN Spanish Literature 3 SPAN 202 *
    4, 5 SPAN 202  and SPAN 335**

* Retroactive credits for SPAN 101 , SPAN 102  and SPAN 201  may be earned if SPAN 311  or SPAN 312  is completed with a grade of “C” or better.

** Retroactive credits for SPAN 101 , SPAN 102  and SPAN 201  may be earned if an appropriate upper-division course is completed with a grade of “C” or above.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Students may take CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exams to earn credit for specific courses. A listing of specific course equivalencies and minimum scores follow the process below.

  1. Students contact the Testing Office https://dsu.edu/student-life/testing-services.html for CLEP information and to schedule an appointment.
  2. Students pay the appropriate test fee and complete the computer-based exam. Military personnel and eligible civilian employees and spouses can complete the CLEP exams at DSU without paying the exam fee. Please contact DSU’s Testing Center by visiting the website https://dsu.edu/student-life/testing-services.html or email testing@dsu.edu for more information on CLEP testing for military.
  3. The Testing Office electronically submits the test results to Educational Testing Services. The student may receive an unofficial score report, but results are not official until validated and returned to DSU by ETS.  The Vice President for Academic Affairs Office notifies the Registrar and the student of the official exam results and, if the score meets or exceeds DSU’s standards, the Registrar enters the credit for the exam on the student’s transcript. (Nothing is entered on the transcript if the CLEP score does not meet DSU credit standards.)

The CLEP program has a long-standing policy that an exam may not be retaken within a three-month period.  This waiting period provides the student with an opportunity to spend additional time preparing for the exam or the option of taking a classroom course.

CLEP Test Equivalencies


DSU Course Equivalency

Computer-based Score
American Government POLS 100   50
Biology BIOL 151  and BIOL 153   50
Business Law, Introductory BADM 350   50
Calculus MATH 123   50
Chemistry CHEM 112  & CHEM 114   50
College Algebra MATH 114   50
College Mathematics MATH 103   50
College Composition Modular (without essay) ENGL 101   50
College Composition (with essay) ENGL 101   50
Financial Accounting ACCT 210   50
History of the United States I HIST 151   50
History of the United States II HIST 152   50
Human Growth & Development EPSY 210   50
Information Systems CSC 105   50
Language - French FREN 101 & FREN 102  50
  FREN 101, FREN 102, FREN 201 & FREN 202  60
Language - German GERM 101 & 102 50
  GERM 101, 102, 201 & 202 60
Language - Spanish SPAN 101  & SPAN 102   50
  SPAN 101 , SPAN 102 , SPAN 201  & SPAN 202   63
Precalculus MATH 115   50
Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 202   50
Principles of Management BADM 360   50
Principles of Marketing BADM 370   50
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 201   50
Psychology, Introductory PSYC 101   50
Sociology, Introductory SOC 100   50
Western Civilization I HIST 121   50
Western Civilization II HIST 122   50

Department Credit-by-Examination

In subjects for which there is no equivalent CLEP examination, students may petition to challenge college coursework via a departmental credit-by-examination. A grade of “C” or better is required on the exam to earn course credit.

DSU credit will be granted only for passing scores earned the first time each subject department credit-by-exam is taken. If a student earned a grade of D or F in a course, a departmental credit-by-exam cannot be used to gain DSU credit for that course.

  1. Students discuss the proposal with the dean of the college that offers the course. With the approval of the dean, students complete the “Application for Credit by Examination” form available through the College office. Current costs for challenge exams are noted in the university catalog under Tuition, Fees, Housing and Board costs.
  2. The dean approves the student request, works with the faculty member to set very specific standards for earning the credits (test, essay, project or demonstrating abilities) and makes arrangements for administering the exam. This request must be approved by the dean by the deadline for withdrawal from a full-semester course, which is published in the Academic Calendar.
  3. The faculty person identified on the form administers and grades the exam and the exam results are reported to the dean, prior to the end of the academic term in which the grade will be recorded.
  4. The dean notifies the student and the Registrar of the outcome. Only successful exams are noted on the student’s academic record.

Dual-credits for High School Courses

The South Dakota Board of Regents has established agreements with colleges and universities whereby the South Dakota regental universities will accept high school, dual-credit courses for transfer. All other high school courses for which students received college credit will not be entered as transfer credit, or given equivalent credit, unless validated by an Advanced Placement or CLEP score that meets Board of Regents guidelines for acceptance of credit, the college credit is granted by a university with which the Board has a dual credit agreement, or the college credit is granted by an institution accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP).  For a list of the universities and colleges that the university system has agreements with go to https://www.sdbor.edu/administrative-offices/academics/DualCreditInDistrictDelivery/Pages/default.aspx

High school dual credit courses taken at any of the six regental universities within the state of South Dakota (either on campus, online or at university centers) are recorded on the official college transcript of the student.  Therefore, the courses transfer as any college coursework would, without the need for additional testing such as CLEP or Advanced Placement.

Credit For Prior Learning/Work Experience

Requests for credit via prior learning/work experience must directly correspond to academic coursework offered by Dakota State University. The experiential learning must be fully described and documented by the student in writing to indicate the direct correspondence or equivalence to specific university course(s). Requests should be evaluated by external supervisors, if appropriate, and by University officials in light of the student’s educational objectives.

  1. Students prepare a cover memo to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, stating the course(s) for which he/she would like to receive prior learning credit. In addition to the memo, the student’s application for prior learning should include:
    1. Transcript for the course(s) (either an original or a copy) that includes the course prefix, number, title and date of enrollment;
    2. Course syllabus;
    3. Name of instructor;
    4. Any course projects that seem appropriate;
    5. Statement/memo from the student’s DSU advisor, indicating the student and the advisor have discussed the student’s application and the advisor agrees that prior learning credit is appropriate for this student in this major; and
    6. $50 per transcript processing fee

In cases where the prior learning application is based on experiential learning, rather than completed coursework, the student is expected to put together a portfolio that demonstrates this experience. This document should include:

  1. Statements from work supervisors (or the company’s human resources director) indicating job requirements and skills needed for the position held,
  2. Examples of work projects,
  3. Written statement from student that explains why/how the artifacts demonstrate the appropriate level of learning
  4. $50 per course processing fee
  1. Student memo plus documentation is submitted to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs;
  2. A faculty committee is appointed to review the application and reports its recommendation to the college dean, who forwards the recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs;
  3. Enrollment Services, the student, and advisor are notified by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs of the committee’s recommendation.

Military Credit

Military credits are evaluated according to guidelines set forth by the American Council on Education and published in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. Dakota State University has been approved as a Service members Opportunity College and is listed in the SOC Guide for use by military personnel.

Students requesting evaluation of military work should provide a copy of the course evaluation done by the American Council of Education (ACE) or an official copy of DANTES transcript to the Registrar.

DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)

Developed by The Chauncey Group International LTD., a subsidiary of the Educational Testing Services (ETS), the DSST program provides an opportunity for students to receive college credit for the knowledge acquired outside the traditional college classroom. Currently, thirty-seven DSSTs are offered in the subject areas of business, physical science, humanities, social science, and applied technology. For more information, contact DSU Testing Office by e-mail testing@dsu.edu.

DANTES (DSST) Test Equivalencies

DANTES Test DSU Course Equivalency Computer-based Score
General Anthropology ANTH 210   400
Principles of Finance BADM 310   400
Human Resource Management BADM 460   400
Principles of Supervision BADM (Electives) 400
Introduction to Business BADM (Electives) 400
Personal Finance BADM (Electives) 400
Criminal Justice CJUS 201 400
Introduction to Law Enforcement CJUS (Electives) 400
Computing and Information Technology CSC 105   400
Management Information Systems CIS 325   400
Principles of Public Speaking CMST 101   400
Money and Banking ECON 330   400
Foundations of Education EDFN 338   400
Technical Writing ENGL 379   400
Introduction to Geography GEOG 101   400
Introduction to Geology GEOL 201 400
Civil War & Reconstruction HIST 455 400
A History of the Vietnam War HIST 459 400
Fundamentals of College Algebra MATH 114   400
Principles of Statistics MATH 281   400
Ethics in America PHIL 220   400
Astronomy PHYS 185   400
Developmental Lifespan Psychology PSYC 221 400
Fundamentals of Counseling PSYC (Electives) 400
Introduction to World Religions REL 250 400
Environmental Science SCI (Electives) 400
Health and Human Development WEL 100   400

International Baccalaureate  

The South Dakota Board of Regents has established guidelines for accepting International Baccalaureate credits. 

Examination Score Standard Level Equivalency Score Higher Level Equivalency
Business Management 5-7 BADM 101   5-7 BADM 101  
Biology 5-7 BIOL 151   5-7 BIOL 151  & BIOL 153  
Chemistry 5-7 CHEM 112   5-7 CHEM 112   & CHEM 114  
Computer Science 5-7 CSC 150   5-7 CSC 150   & CSC 250  
Economics 5-7 ECON 201   & ECON 202  
English Language 4-7 ENGL 101   4-7 ENGL 101  
English Language & Literature 4-7 ENGL 210   or ENGL 268   4-7 ENGL 210  or ENGL 268  
French (Language B) 6-7 FREN 101  4 FREN 101 
      5 FREN 101  & FREN 102 
      6-7 FREN 101, FREN 102 & FREN 201 
German (Language B) 6-7 GER 101 4 GER 101
      5 GER 101 & 102
      6-7 GER 101, 102 & 201
Spanish (Language B) 6-7 SPAN 101 4 SPAN 101
      5 SPAN 101 & 102
      6-7 SPAN 101, 102 & 201
History 5-7 HIST 122  
Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches 5-7 MATH 115  & MATH 121   5-7 MATH 115  & MATH 123  
Mathematics: Applications & Interpretations 5-7 MATH 115   5-7 MATH 115 , MATH 123  & MATH 281  
  SL Topic 1 & 2 5-7 MATH 114      
  HL Topics 1, 2 & 3     5-7 MATH 115  
  HL Topics 5 & 7     5-7 MATH 281  
  HL Topic 6     5-7 MATH 123  
  HL Topic 9      5-7 MATH 125  
  Further Math HL1        
     Topic 3     5-7 MATH 281  
     Topic 5     5-7 MATH 125  
Philosophy 5-7 PHIL 100   5-7 PHIL 100  
Physics 5-7 PHYS 111   & PHYS 113   5-7 PHYS 211   & PHYS 213  
Psychology 5-7 PSYC 101   5-7 PSYC 101  
Social and Cultural Anthropology 5-7 ANTH 210   5-7 ANTH 210  
World Religions 5-7 REL 250 5-7 REL 250

1 Exam no longer offered as of 2020.  Scores will be no longer accepted after 2025.

Academic Honors

Undergraduate, full-time students may be designated for the President’s Academic Honors List at the end of the fall and spring terms. The President’s Academic Honors list is determined by the home university and is based on a student’s total course registrations for academic credit for the term from any Regental university. The President’s Academic Honors List designation does not appear on the transcript.

To be awarded President’s Academic Honors designation, students must meet the following guidelines:

  1. Students must have earned a minimum of 12 credit hours during the term in courses numbered 100-699.
  2. Students much achieve a System Term GPA of at least 3.50.
  3. Students with F, I, U, RI, RU or WFL grades in the term are not eligible regardless of System Term GPA attained.

Undergraduate, part-time students taking fewer than 12 credits per term may be designated for academic recognition for part-time students at the end of the fall and spring terms. The academic recognition for part-time student designation is determined by the home university. The academic recognition for part-time student designation does not appear on the transcript.

To be awarded the Academic Recognition for Part-Time Students designation, students must meet the following guidelines:

  1. Students must have completed at least 12 credit hours prior to the current semester at one or more Regental institutions.
  2. The student must have earned at least 3 and up to 11 credit hours of 100-699 level courses during the term.
  3. Students must achieve a System Term GPA of at least 3.50.
  4. Students with F, I, U, RI, RU or WFL grades in the term are not eligible regardless of System Term GPA attained.

Any exceptions to this policy and procedures are approved by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Academic Integrity

To establish the expectations of student conduct in academic programs, the purpose for determining when academic misconduct has occurred, and the appeal process when a violation is found.


  1. Academic Misconduct: means Cheating or Plagiarism.
  2. Cheating: includes but not limited to using unauthorized assistance in, or having unauthorized materials while, taking quizzes, tests, examinations or other assignments, including copying from anthers quiz, test, examination, or other assignment or allowing another to copy from one’s own quiz, test, examination, or other assignments; using sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems or carrying out other assignments; acquiring, without permission, tests or other academic material belonging to instructor or another member of the Institutional faculty or staff; engaging in any behavior prohibited by the instructor in the course syllabus or in class discussion; falsifying or misrepresenting data or results from a laboratory or experiment; or engaging in other behavior that a reasonable person would consider to be cheating.
  3. Plagiarism: includes but is not limited to using, by paraphrase or direct quotation, the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment; using materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials without prior authority by the instructor; or engaging in other behavior that a reasonable person would consider plagiarism.
  4. Fabrication: falsifying or inventing any information, data or citation; presenting data that were not gathered in accordance with standard guidelines, defining the appropriate methods for collecting or generating data, and failing to include an accurate account of the method by which the data were gathered or collected.
  5. Obtaining an Unfair Advantage: (a) stealing, reproducing, circulating or otherwise gaining access to examination materials prior to the time authorized by the instructor; (b) stealing, destroying, defacing or concealing library materials with the purpose of depriving others of their use; (c) unauthorized collaboration on an academic assignment (d) retaining, possessing, using or circulating previously given examination materials, where those materials clearly indicate that they are to be returned to the instructor at the conclusion of the examination; (e) intentionally obstructing or interfering with another student’s academic work or (f) otherwise undertaking activity with the purpose of creating or obtaining an unfair academic advantage over other students’ academic work.
  6. Falsification of Records and Official Documents: altering documents affecting academic records; forging signatures of authorization or falsifying information on an official academic document, grade report, letter of permission, petition, drop/add form, ID card, or any other official University document.
  7. Unauthorized Access to computerized academic or administrative records or systems: viewing or altering computer records, modifying computer programs or systems, releasing or dispensing information gained via unauthorized access, or interfering with the use or availability of computer systems or information.

Board Policies
Student Academic Misconduct - Policy 2:33
     Map of policy
Student Code of Conduct - Policy 3:4

Student Rights and Responsibilities

The enforcement of academic integrity lies with the general faculty of Dakota State University. In all cases involving academic dishonesty, the student charged or suspected shall, at a minimum, be accorded the following rights.

  1. Prompt investigation of all charges of academic dishonesty, to be conducted, in so far as possible, in a manner that prevents public disclosure of the student’s identity. Such investigation may include informal review and discussion with an official of the school prior to bringing a charge, provided that such review does not compromise the rights of the student in the formal process.
  2. The faculty member will provide the student with a written statement of the specific academic integrity violation and the action/corrective measure that will be taken by the faculty member.
  3. The student will have two weeks from the date of formal notification in which to file an appeal.
  4. The student will be provided an appeal hearing or meeting with the Academic Integrity Board at which time the student involved may be heard and the accuracy of the charge determined.
  5. At any stage of the proceedings, the student may be accompanied by a fellow student, a faculty member, or another individual of the student’s choosing. This person may not take part in the proceedings except as a witness if that individual testimony is deemed relevant by the Academic Integrity Board. The student must speak on his or her own behalf.

Faculty and Administrative Responsibilities

In order to implement these principles of academic integrity, it is necessary for the administration and faculty to take certain steps that will discourage academic dishonesty and protect academic integrity. Those steps include:

  1. Examination security - Each faculty member or college office should safeguard examination security.
  2. Testing Procedures - Faculty should take all feasible efforts to secure the testing area.
  3. Instructors should inform students of the academic requirements of each course. Such information may appropriately include (a) notice of the scope of permitted collaboration, if any; (b) notice of the conventions of citation and attribution within the discipline of the course; and (c) notice of the materials that may be used during examinations and on other assignments.

Academic Probation/Suspension

Minimum Progression Standards

Minimum progression standards and related actions are based on the student’s cumulative grade point average and system term grade point average.

Good academic standing:  A student who meets or exceeds the cumulative grade point average requirements as listed is considered to be in good academic standing.  The Academic Standing process is completed at the end of the Spring term.  The required GPA’s are based on credit hour completion.  Students who have taken more credit hours are expected to meet a higher GPA standard.

Credit Hour Range GPA Standard
0-44.99 1.8
45-90+ 2.0

Academic Probation:  If a student’s cumulative grade point average falls below the GPA standard for his/her designated class rank as listed at the end of the Spring academic term, the student is placed on academic probation for the following term.

While on academic probation the student must earn a system grade point average that meets or exceeds the GPA standard required.  During this period, the student’s academic success team is expected to monitor and meet with the student to best position him or her for success.

When a student on academic probation achieves a cumulative grade point average that meets or exceeds the GPA standard, the student is returned to good academic standing.

Academic Suspension:  A student on academic probation who fails to maintain a term and/or cumulative grade point average that meets or exceeds the GPA standard required by the next Academic Standing process is placed on academic suspension for a minimum of two academic terms.

A student on academic suspension will not be allowed to enroll for any coursework at any Regental university except when an appeal has been approved by the Regental university from which the student is pursuing a degree.  An approved appeal granted by one Regental university will be honored by all Regental universities.  (Also refer to BOR Policy 2:3, Section C.9.7 Students on Probation/Suspension)

Only academic suspension will be entered on the student’s transcript.  Academic probation will be noted in the internal academic record only.

Students enrolled in the Regental system for the first time with prior credit, including internal and external transfer students and dual credit students, shall not be placed on probation by their designated home institution until they have been enrolled at a Regental university for one (1) academic term.


A student placed on academic suspension may re-enroll only upon successful petition for readmission to the Student Readmissions Committee. The expectation of the university is that a student placed on academic suspension will sit out at least two academic terms. However, the Student Readmission Committee is empowered to grant immediate reinstatement. Students readmitted from academic suspension enter on academic probation unless they have completed coursework, at another institution, which moves their cumulative GPA above the 2.0 minimum requirement. Students which the committee recommends for readmission must maintain 100 percent class attendance. Classes missed as a result of illness or emergency circumstances must be reported to his/her instructors at the first opportunity. Students who maintain less than regular class attendance will be administratively suspended. The committee may also specify the courses to be taken and the maximum number of credit hours to be carried by the student during the first semester of readmission.

When petitioning for readmission from academic suspension, the burden of proof rests with the student. The student will be given an appeal hearing if he or she can demonstrate extenuating circumstances that had significant, negative impact upon the student’s ability to study, attend classes, and complete assignments. At the committee meeting, the student will be expected to 1) candidly discuss the circumstances that contributed to the academic suspension, 2) provide a plan for overcoming any obstacles to future academic success, 3) demonstrate a firm commitment to repairing your academic record, and 4) provide documentation in support of all claims of extenuation. Please remember that the burden of proof rests upon the student, and not than with the committee. Therefore, the student should be prepared to answer any/all questions committee members might have at this meeting, and to offer documentation in support of all important claims of extenuation.

A student who has been readmitted on academic probation from academic suspension and who does not maintain good academic standing may not petition for immediate reinstatement.

Assessment and Testing

Entry Level Assessment/Placement Testing

The Board of Regents has developed a standardized placement process to ensure that entering students are placed into math and English courses most appropriate for their ability and background. The requirements can be found in BOR Policy 2:7 Baccalaureate General Education Curriculum and BOR Policy 2:26 Associate Degree General Education Requirements and BOR Academic Affairs Guidelines 7.6.

All entering students seeking an associate or baccalaureate degree must provide valid (within the last five years) ACT scores, SAT scores, Smarter Balanced scores, or must take the College Board ACCUPLACER examination in the areas of writing, mathematics and reading. All non-degree seeking students enrolling in English and/or mathematics courses must provide scores that meet BOR Guidelines in the areas of English and/or mathematics.

Students enrolled prior to spring 2000 who have already been placed into their initial mathematics and English coursework, and transfer students who have completed equivalent general education coursework in English and mathematics are exempt from this requirement.

Students transferring within the Regental system will be allowed to transfer their placement test scores and continue their sequence of courses in English and/or mathematics.

For more information on the placement process for entering students, see http://dsu.edu/student-life/testing-services.

Pre-General Education Courses

As determined through the placement process, students may be required to take pre-general education courses, such as ENGL 033, MATH 095 or MATH 101. 

Students placed into one of these pre-general education courses must enroll in and complete the course(s) within the first 30 regental credit hours attempted. If a student does not complete the pre-general education course(s) within the first 30 credit hours attempted, a registration hold is placed on the student’s record. During the next 12 credit hours attempted, the student must enroll in and complete the pre-general education course(s).

If the pre-general education course(s) is not completed within the first 42 regental credit hours attempted, the only course(s) in which a student may enroll is the pre-general education course(s); and the student’s status is changed from degree seeking to non-degree seeking, unless the student receives an exception from the VPAA.

Transfer students entering with 42 or more credit hours, who are still in need of pre general education coursework, are required to enroll in the necessary pre-general education coursework during their first 30 credits attempted in the regental system.

Credit hours for the pre-general education courses are included in the total number of credit hours attempted, but 000-level courses do not count toward completed credits.  The grades assigned for courses numbered less than 100 will be RS (remedial satisfactory) and RU (remedial unsatisfactory). MATH 095 also includes an SP “satisfactory progress” grade; an RS grade is required to move on to MATH 114 College Algebra.

Major Field Assessment

All students enrolled in associate and baccalaureate degree programs and teacher certification programs are required to participate in major field assessment as prescribed by their major.  Major field assessment activities will be completed during the fall and spring semesters. 

Final Exams

All courses must have a final examination activity. To determine your final exam schedule: find the final exam schedule on the DSU website and the time slot that corresponds with the weekly schedule for a class. The final for that class will be given in that time slot. PLEASE NOTE: Courses delivered other than face to face may schedule their final evaluation activity during the last, regularly scheduled class period or during finals week at the regular class time. Check the class syllabus to verify the time of the final exam.

The Vice President for Academic Affairs prepares the fall and spring final week schedule. The most current exam schedule is under the academic calendar.

No student will be required to participate in more than three evaluative activities on any one day of the final week. Permission to reschedule a final evaluative activity should be sought before mid-semester if at all possible. The student, after consulting with his/her advisor, should petition the dean(s) responsible for the course to be changed by completing the “Request to Change Final Week Schedule” form which is available in the Portal under Academic Forms. The dean(s) will coordinate and approve the necessary rescheduling.

Any changes or deviations in the schedule for an individual student must have advance approval of the dean in whose college the course is taught.

Grading Policy

The following letter symbols indicate the quality of student academic achievement (SD BOR Policy 2:10)

A - Exceptional; 4.00 grade points per semester hour
B - Above Average; 3.00 grade points per semester hour
C - Average; 2.00 grade points per semester hour
D - Lowest Passing Grade; 1.00 grade points per semester hour
F - Failure; 0.00 grade points per semester hour
S - Satisfactory; does not calculate into any GPA
U - Unsatisfactory; does not calculate into any GPA
RI - Incomplete (Remedial); does not calculate into any GPA
RS - Satisfactory (Remedial); does not calculate into any GPA
RU - Unsatisfactory (Remedial); does not calculate into any GPA
W - Withdrawal; does not calculate into any GPA; no credit granted
WD - Withdrawal (First 6 courses); does not calculate into any GPA; no credit granted
WW - Withdrawal (all courses in a term); does not calculate into any GPA; no credit granted
WFL - Withdrawal (7th course or higher); 0.0 grade points per semester hour
SP - Satisfactory Progress; does not calculate into any GPA
AU - Audit; does not calculate into any GPA
I - Incomplete; does not calculate into any GPA;
IP - In Progress; does not calculate into any GPA;
EX - Credit by Exam; does not calculate into any GPA
CR - Credit; does not calculate into any GPA
TR - Transcripted; does not calculate into any GPA, no credit granted
LR - Lab grade linked to Recitation Grade; 0 credit course
NG - No grade - used for registration tracking courses
NR - Grade not reported by instructor; does not calculate into any GPA
* - Academic Amnesty; does not calculate in any GPA, no credit given

Grade Point Average Definition

The following grade point averages are calculated each academic term (Fall, Spring, and Summer).

Institutional GPA - based on credits earned at a specific Regental university. Utilized to determine if degree requirements have been met and to determine Honors Designation at graduation.

System Term GPA - based on credits earned at any of the six Regental universities within a given academic term (Fall, Spring, Summer). Utilized to determine minimum progression status.

Transfer GPA - based on credits earned and officially transferred from an accredited college or university outside the Regental system. When a letter grade that normally calculates into the grade point average exists for a non-academic course (e.g. credit earned via examination), if will be included in the transfer GPA.

Cumulative GPA - based on all credits earned by the student (transfer credit plus system credit). Utilized to determine minimum progression status and to determine if degree requirements have been met and to determine Honors Designation at graduation.

When a course has been repeated for credit, all attempts will be entered on the transcript but the last grade earned will be used in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.

Grade Point Average

Any course in which a grade of A, B, C, D, or F is earned is used to calculate the grade point average. Each grade is worth a specific number of honor points: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. The number of honor points earned for each class is computed by multiplying the points given for the letter grade by the hours of credit in the course. The total number of honor points earned is then divided by the total number of credit hours attempted (includes only those classes in which grades of A, B, C, D, F were earned). The result is the cumulative grade point average.


Grade Hours in Course Total Honor Points
A (4) 3 12
B (3) 3 9
C (2) 3 6
D (1) 3 3
F (0) 3 0

Total hours attempted = 15

Total honor point earned = 30

30/15 = 2.000 grade point average

Grade Reports

Final grades will be reported for all students. Final grades are available to students on-line, generally one week after the end of the semester.  The students information remains current as long as the student is enrolled at any Regental institution. Students needing a record for employer reimbursement can print the unofficial transcript online.

Repeating a Course

A student may repeat any course to improve the course grade. A student is allowed a total of 3 takes for undergraduate courses (001-499) for which credit is counted toward graduation once. The student must petition the Vice President for Academic Affairs for permission to take an undergraduate course more than 3 times. The Audit (AU) grade is the only grade that does not count as a take of a course. All other grades, including withdrawal grades count as a take of a course (see BOR Policy 2:4). All completed courses remain on the student’s transcript but only the last grade earned will be counted in the cumulative grade point average (see BOR Policy 2:10). Please refer to BOR Policy 2:8 and BOR Policy 2:10 for additional information on grade point average calculations, academic amnesty and repeated enrollment in the same course.

Independent Study

Students interested in independent study must obtain permission to register for independent study coursework from the dean’s office. A syllabus for that particular offering must be approved by the dean of the college prior to the scheduled beginning of the offering.

Grade Appeal Process

It is the obligation of each instructor to inform students at the beginning of each course of the objectives, requirements, performance standards and evaluation procedures for the course. This information should be in writing and incorporated into the current syllabus for the course. (See Academic Integrity policy for issues dealing with academic dishonesty.)

If a student believes that the final grade assigned in a course was inappropriate, he/ she may appeal that grade by filing a formal grade appeal within 15 days of the start of the next academic session.* Appropriate grounds for a grade appeal include:

  1. Assignment of a grade on some basis other than the student’s performance and participation in the course, or
  2. Evaluation of his/her work, using more stringent or demanding criteria than were applied to other students in the class, or
  3. A major departure from the instructor’s published or announced standards for assigning grades.

* Academic sessions include fall, spring and summer terms. Students who wish to challenge an action taken in a spring term must bring their challenge during the immediately following summer term if they enroll during summer; otherwise, they may bring their challenge in the following fall term.

To begin the appeal process, the student should detail his/her concerns in writing to the instructor and should request a meeting with the instructor to discuss the matter. The official Grade Appeal Form (found on the DSU student portal or at the college office) should accompany the student’s letter to the instructor. This meeting between the instructor and the student should be scheduled as soon as possible after the written notice is received. It may be conducted in person, by phone, or via e-mail. The instructor should provide his/ her decision on the grade appeal to the student within two weeks of student’s letter to the instructor. The instructor’s decision should be provided in writing to the student and should be accompanied by the official Grade Appeal Form.

If the student feels the issue has not been resolved, he/she may ask the dean of the college offering the course to act as a mediator. This request for mediation must be made in writing to the dean within two weeks of the student’s notification by the instructor. The student’s written request for mediation should include copies of the original documentation provided to the instructor by the student, the signed Grade Appeal Form, the student’s written notification from the instructor, and any additional pertinent information.

The dean’s role in the grade appeal process is to mediate the matter in consultation with the instructor and the student. This mediation should occur as soon as possible after the written notice is received. The dean should summarize the outcome of this mediation for the student and the instructor within two weeks of the student’s written request to the dean. The dean’s summary should be provided in writing to the student and the instructor and should be accompanied by the official Grade Appeal Form.

If the student feels the issue has not been resolved, he/she may ask the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs to refer the issue to a review committee. This request must be made in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs within two weeks of the student’s notification by the dean. The student’s written request for review should include copies of the original documentation provided to the instructor by the student, the signed Grade Appeal Form, the student’s written notification from the instructor, the student’s request to the dean and the dean’s notification to the student and the instructor. The Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs should appoint a committee of three faculty members and two students to review the appeal and make a recommendation for resolution of the issue to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The committee should reach a decision within two weeks of notification appointment. This decision should be provided in writing to the student and the instructor by the Vice President for Academic Affairs within 1 week of receipt from the committee.

Grade Deletion (Academic Amnesty)

This policy and its procedures implement SDBOR Policy 2:10. The goal of academic amnesty is to respond to the academic needs of matured individuals as they develop newly identified potential. Through the application of academic amnesty, the student’s prior academic record can be excluded from current work under certain conditions

To be eligible for Academic Amnesty, the student must:

• be an undergraduate, full-time or part-time, degree-seeking student at the University;
• not have been enrolled in any postsecondary institution for a minimum of three (3) consecutive terms (including only fall and/or spring terms) prior to the most recent admission to the home institution. Exceptions may be granted in rare cases only by the SDBOR Vice President for Academic Affairs upon recommendation by the University Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs;
• have completed a minimum of 12 graded credit hours taken at any SDBOR university with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for the 12 credit hours after the most recent admission to the home institution;
• not have earned a baccalaureate degree from any university;
• not have been granted any prior academic amnesty at any SDBOR university;
• submit the Academic Amnesty Petition Form to the Registrar’s Office following the procedures established by the University.

• Academic amnesty does not apply to individual courses
• Academic amnesty may be requested for either (a) all previous post-secondary education courses, or (b) all previous post-secondary education courses at a specific post-secondary institution, or (c) a specified time period not to exceed one (1) academic year (Fall/Spring) completed at any postsecondary institution(s).
• Academic amnesty, if granted, shall not be rescinded.
• Courses for which academic amnesty is granted will 1. Remain on the student’s permanent record; 2. Be recorded on the student’s undergraduate transcript with the original grade followed by an asterisk (*);
3. Not be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average because no credit is given;
4. Not be used to satisfy any of the graduation requirements of the current degree program.

• Academic amnesty decisions will be made the student’s home institution, will be honored by
all programs within the home institution, and will be honored by all other institutions within
the SDBOR system.
• Universities outside of the SDBOR system are not bound by the academic amnesty decisions
made by the SDBOR system.
• SDBOR undergraduate programs and graduate professional schools may consider all
previous undergraduate course work when making admission decisions.

Students considering grade deletion are urged to discuss the process and ramifications with their academic advisers.

• The student completes the Academic Amnesty Petition Form (form is found online on the DSU Student Portal or at the Registrar’s office). Attach any letters, transcripts or documentation that would be pertinent to the petition.
• Student returns completed petition to the University’s Registrar’s Office for
• If the student meets all the requirements for academic amnesty and approved, the student’s
academic record is adjusted per the guidelines above and a copy of the student’s updated
transcript is forwarded to the student and to the student’s adviser.
• If the student does not meet the requirements for academic amnesty, the student will be contacted
by the Registrar’s Office and notified of which requirements were not met.
• If a student is determined to not be eligible for academic amnesty due to not meeting the
requirement of not having been enrolled in any postsecondary institution for a minimum of three (3) consecutive terms (including only fall and/or spring terms) prior to the most recent admission
to the home institution an exception may be considered.

Transfer Credits

The South Dakota Board of Regents establishes the framework for the consistent transfer of credit among Regental institutions, and by students earning credit external to the six institutions managed by the South Dakota Board of Regents. Additionally, guidance is provided for the accepting credit through approved validation methods.   See BOR Policy 2:5 Transfer of Credit for definitions and transfer guidelines.

Americans with Disabilities

It is the policy of Dakota State University to comply with all Federal and State requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other similar statutes and regulations. Further, and as a matter of policy, Dakota State University prohibits discrimination based on disability against otherwise qualified individuals from participation in the services, programs or activities of the University including employment practices. Any employee who is found to be in violation of this policy will face disciplinary action up to and including the possibility of termination of employment.

Educational Programs and Services

Due to the numerous types of disabilities that can affect an individual’s potential for academic success, Dakota State University has an established procedure dealing with access to and participation in educational programs. These procedures provide the framework for decisions concerning reasonable accommodation when students with disabilities seek access to educational programs and request accommodation.

Educational Accommodation Procedures
See DSU’s Policy 01-02-00 for more information:  https://dsu.edu/root-files/01-02-00.pdf

Appealing Academic or Administrative Decisions

Students are responsible for learning the content of any course of study in which they are enrolled. Under Board of Regents and university policy, student’s academic performance shall be evaluated solely on an academic basis and students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study. It is DSU’s policy to allow students to appeal the decisions of faculty, administrative and staff members and of institutional committees. If a student believes that a decision made by any of these individuals or committees was inappropriate or believes that an academic evaluation is unrelated to academic standards but is related instead to judgment of their personal opinion or conduct, he/she may appeal that decision to the official who has supervisory responsibility for that individual or committee.

To begin the appeal process, the student should detail his/her concerns in writing to the appropriate official. This written statement should describe the specific act or acts which are the grounds for the appeal and should include all known information, relevant documents, names of any known witnesses, and relevant information, including a description of the appeal processes already exhausted relative to the decision.

If the student’s complaint is against a vice president, the formal appeal should be directed to the President, the highest level of procedural review within the institution.

Computing Privileges

The use of computers and related technologies, including all hardware and software is a privilege. The University’s concerning computing privileges can be found at https://dsu.edu/root-files/03-61-00.pdf

Drug-Free Environment

It is the policy of Dakota State University to create and maintain a work and study environment that is free from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of controlled substances.

Sexual Harassment - Title IX

Title IX is a federal law that protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities. The Title IX office assists students, faculty, staff, public visitors on campus, and potential/future employees.

At Dakota State University we strive to provide a safe environment free from the effects of harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Through sexual violence related programs and services, we continue to bring awareness on prevention, reporting, and resources to provide a safer community.

Our overall purpose, in collaboration with Student Affairs, is to provide programming aimed at educating and empowering our college community to be proactive in helping others, regardless of the situation.  See DSU’s website for more https://dsu.edu/title-ix/index.html.