Sep 13, 2024  
Graduate Catalog 2023-2024 
Graduate Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

About DSU Graduate Programs

This catalog is neither a contract nor an offer of a contract. It serves as an introduction to Dakota State University, its graduate degree programs, and student services offered. It is intended to help students select a career program that suits their career plans and life-long interests. It provides the information they need to pursue a graduate program of study at Dakota State University.

DSU Graduate Programs in Review

The South Dakota Board of Regents has authorized DSU to offer graduate degrees at the master’s and doctoral levels. DSU graduate programs are a logical extension of the University’s mission and provide rigorous, advanced education in programs that meet this mission. DSU graduate programs combine both theoretical knowledge and practical applications and are designed to meet the needs of a world being shaped by continuously and rapidly changing technology. Computer technology is integral to all programs.

Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

The Vice President for Academic Affairs, together with the deans of the academic colleges and the directors of the academic support units, is responsible for ensuring the academic integrity of the courses and programs offered by Dakota State University. As the chief academic officer of the University, the Provost/VP for Academic Affairs has direct responsibility for the academic programs offered by the institution, as well as direct responsibility for Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, Center of Excellence for Computer Information Systems, Online Education, College of Business and Information Systems, Beacom College of Computer and Cyber Sciences, College of Education, College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Studies, and the Karl E. Mundt Library. Principal responsibilities of the office include the strengthening and further development of the curriculum and addressing exceptional situations regarding final exam schedules, grading standards, and related academic matters.

Graduate Council

The Graduate Council serves as the faculty body that oversees graduate education and reviews all plans and proposals related to graduate education at DSU. The Graduate Council is responsible for all academic policies and guidelines related to post-baccalaureate study and degree programs.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Exercise general oversight relative to the standards and academic integrity of all graduate degree programs;
  • Receive and review annual reports on graduate program activities;
  • Review and approve policies concerning graduate education;
  • Recommend approval of proposed graduate programs and all graduate curriculum changes;
  • Review criteria and processes for membership on graduate faculty;
  • Consider other matters submitted to them by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research;
  • Serve as an advisory board to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research and the Vice President for Academic Affairs for matters concerning graduate education.

Graduate Faculty

Graduate faculty provide oversight of graduate programs in their program area and help ensure graduate program integrity by serving on graduate program committees and other related duties.  Dakota State University has a single university-wide graduate faculty. This body has the following authorities and responsibilities:

  • Teach courses for graduate credit;
  • Serve on examination committees (or equivalent) for students in graduate-level programs;
  • Serve as thesis/dissertation reviewers for graduate programs in their discipline and as external examiners for students in graduate programs outside their discipline;
  • Serve as advisors for students pursuing graduate-level degree programs;
  • Actively engage in research/scholarly activity;
  • Serve on graduate admissions and graduate program committees;
  • Serve on the Graduate Council.

Faculty members may be nominated to the graduate faculty by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, the graduate program coordinator, the faculty member’s dean, or by a graduate faculty member. The Graduate Council will screen nominations and report their decisions to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.

Graduate Program Committees

Each graduate program will have a program committee that is responsible for supervision and oversight of the graduate work in their program and manages day-to-day activities of the graduate program under the leadership of the graduate program coordinator. The program committee handles the specifics of program curriculum, instruction, advising, and scheduling. The program committee report on their activities on an regular basis to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research and to the Graduate Council through their graduate program coordinator.

Office of Graduate Studies

The Office of Graduate Studies oversees all aspects of graduate education at Dakota State University including the development, administration, termination, and assessment of graduate programs, the admission and guidance of graduate students and the implementation of graduate policies and guidelines.

The Beacom College of Computer and Cyber Sciences

The mission of The Beacom College of Computer and Cyber Sciences is to educate and prepare students to be lifelong learners and professionals in Computer and Cyber Sciences. We seek to challenge students to develop skills in computer and cyber sciences, to think logically, and to make sound decisions through our five major academic programs:  Artificial Intelligence, Computer Game Design, Computer Science, Cyber Operations, and Network and Security Administration.

College of Business and Information Systems


The College of Business and Information Systems prepares students to be lifelong learners and successful professionals in business, information systems, data analytics, and health information and informatics. We provide a high-quality, technology-infused education in a supportive learning environment that encompasses exemplary teaching, service to our communities, and a faculty committed to scholarship.


» High-quality, student-focused teaching and learning

» Diversity and inclusion

» Integrity and openness in our dealings with all stakeholders

» Technology-infused curriculum

» The process and outcomes of research and scholarship

» Continuous improvement and innovation


The College of Business and Information Systems will be a transformational leader known for excellence in the education of professionals in business, information systems, data analytics, and health information and informatics through meaningful technology-infused programs, knowledge creation, student-centered experiences, and stakeholder engagement.

College of Education


The mission of the College of Education is to guide undergraduate and graduate students through the process of acquiring and applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions with emphasis on integrating technology in the teaching and learning process to positively impact K-12 learning.


The vision of the College of Education is to prepare highly-qualified educators and be recognized in the state and nation for outstanding programs.

Conceptual Framework

Teaching: A Journey Worth Taking.