Feb 11, 2025
Faculty Handbook
Mission and Strategic Plan
The South Dakota Board of Regents regards the special-focus universities of South Dakota as valuable contributors to the state’s system of higher education. The term “special-focus university” refers to schools that have a high concentration of degrees in a single field or a set of related fields, with these special-focus universities offering graduate-level programs within their special focus. As a special-focus university, Dakota State University promotes the research activity of its faculty, while advancing the Board of Regents’ strategies for greater student access, affordability, degree completion rates, and quality education. For further information, see DSU’s official mission statement: SDBOR Policy 1.2.2.
The ADVANCE strategic plan began in 2022 and will continue to evolve through 2027 and beyond. We will consider our strengths and challenges as we bring stakeholders together to move our University forward. Our strategy focuses on quality, research, engagement, athletics, and student success. For full information, see DSU’s strategic plan: https://dsu.edu/about-dsu/strategic-plan.html