Feb 11, 2025  
Faculty Handbook 
Faculty Handbook

University Governance


Dakota State University is governed by the South Dakota Board of Regents and operates under the policies and regulations of the Regents.  The President is the chief executive officer of the University.  The principal officers of the University are Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Vice President for Business and Administrative Services, Vice President for Human Resources, Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer.  The general faculty oversee the policies and regulations governing academic and student affairs of the university.  Committees are elected or appointed to address matters of importance to students and the faculty.

Role of General Faculty

The General Faculty is designed to fulfill the duties and functions noted below in accordance with the rules, regulations, and policies of the Board of Regents and of Dakota State University as follows:

  • Recommend entrance requirements for students entering the institution;
  • Recommend rules and regulations for the government and discipline of the students;
  • Recommend rules and regulations for the organization, operation, and control of student organizations, group activities;
  • Recommend rules and regulations to govern the conduct of all intercollegiate activities, including athletics;
  • Recommend to the Board of Regents all candidates for various degrees, diplomas, and certificates;
  • Recommend committees to function on behalf of the faculty;  
  • Recommend members of various university committees; and
  • Recommend rules and regulations for the granting of honorary degrees by the institution.
  • Provide organized channels of communication among the students, faculty and staff, and the administration at Dakota State University.
  • Provide a forum for the discussion of matters of concern to the General Faculty and for the taking of appropriate actions.
  • The General Faculty may also originate issues and may discuss and take a position on any subject of concern to the University.

Graduate Program Governance

The South Dakota Board of Regents has authorized Dakota State University to offer graduate degrees at the masters and doctoral levels. DSU graduate programs are part of the University’s mission to provide high quality education in programs to advanced students. DSU graduate programs combine both theoretical knowledge and practical applications and are designed to meet the needs of a world being shaped by continuously and rapidly changing information technology. All graduate programs are governed as follows:  

Graduate Faculty - Graduate faculty serve on graduate program committees to ensure program integrity and on Graduate Council to assist with oversight of graduate programs and policy.  

Dean of Graduate Studies - The Dean is the chief academic and administrative officer of the Graduate Programs. Responsible to the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.  The Dean is the primary advocate for graduate education at the university with responsibilities including strategic planning, policy formulation and implementation, and assurance of academic integrity and quality of academic programs. Central to this role is promoting academic research and linking graduate education with the University’s sponsored research activities. The Dean of Graduate Studies collaborates with College Deans on new program development and leadership of the graduate program coordinator. The program committee handles the specifics of program curriculum, instruction, advising, and scheduling.  

Graduate Program Coordinators - Each graduate program will have a program coordinator who shall supervise and coordinate the administration of the program, serve as a point of contact for graduate students enrolled in the program, and provide a linkage between the graduate program committee and the graduate faculty in their respective colleges. They will lead program assessment when scheduled.  Work with the program committee and college dean to plan and propose curricular modifications as needed.  Program Coordinators will also advise on marketing strategy and participate in program promotion and recruitment, lead the review of applications of program candidates, conduct exit assessments for qualifying candidates, advise on assistantship appointments, and advise the college dean on course instructors and scheduling.   

Office of Graduate Studies - The Office of Graduate Studies serves all aspects of graduate education including the development, promotion, administration, and assessment of graduate programs.  The office fields inquiries on graduate programs, organizes admission, provides academic and programmatic guidance to graduate students, fosters the support of graduate research and the implementation of graduate guidelines.  

College Deans - College Deans work with the Dean of Graduate Studies to ensure the quality and integrity of graduate programs in their respective colleges. They are specifically responsible for course delivery and faculty workload issues.  

Graduate Program Committees - Each graduate program will have a program committee that is responsible for supervision and oversight of the graduate work in their program and manages day-to-day activities of the graduate program under the leadership of the graduate program coordinator. The program committee is comprised of teaching faculty (or a subset) in the program.  The program committee handles the specifics of program curriculum, instruction, advising, and scheduling.   The program committee report on their activities on an annual basis to the Dean of Graduate Studies and to the Graduate Council through their graduate program coordinator.  

Graduate Council - The Graduate Council serves as the faculty body that oversees graduate education, plans for the future of graduate education in the broadest terms and guides the evolution of graduate programs at DSU. The Graduate Council is responsible for all academic policies related to post-baccalaureate study and degree programs.  The specific responsibilities of the Graduate Council include:

  • Provide general oversight relative to the standards and academic integrity of all graduate degree programs;  
  • Receive and review annual reports on graduate program activities;  
  • Establish broad policies concerning graduate education;  
  • Recommend approval of proposed graduate programs and all graduate curriculum changes;  
  • Review criteria and processes for membership on graduate faculty;  
  • Consider other matters submitted to them by the Dean for Graduate Studies;  
  • Serve as an advisory board to the Dean for Graduate Studies and the Vice President for Academic Affairs for matters concerning graduate education.