Jan 15, 2025  
Faculty Handbook 
Faculty Handbook

Scholarship Responsibilities and Procedures


Research/Creative Scholarship

Performance by Rank:  Developing research or creative scholarship to the stage of significant impact on the professional discipline may require significant time. Assistant professors are expected to demonstrate that they have the potential for significant impact on their field by by peer-review publication in national media or equivalent by the time they are considered for promotion or tenure. Faculty members applying for promotion to full professorship should have demonstrated the development and sustainability of scholarship and have demonstrated they have made a significant contribution to their discipline as demonstrated by a significant quantity of peer-reviewed published work, presentations at nationally or internationally recognized events, and by being called upon to review the work of other researchers. Promotion or tenure requires a high level of performance in research or creative scholarship, appropriate to the rank, discipline, and degree level of the program.

Characteristics of Early Career Expectations: (typically one to three years of the probationary period for tenure-track faculty). The university recognizes that research and creative scholarship take diverse forms. Traditional disciplinary research, creative writing, performance, artistic expression, and the scholarship of teaching and learning are all among the forms of scholarship valued by the university. Examples include:

  • A scholarship program that results in presentations to a learned audience on an ongoing basis.
  • Dissemination of results in media (such as peer-reviewed publications) appropriate to the discipline or the equivalent for creative scholarship (such as performances or exhibitions).
  • Support of scholarship-related events and activities at the local or regional level.
  • Evidence that the research or scholarship has a positive impact on the educational mission of the university.

Characteristics of Expectations Approaching Promotion/Tenure:  (typically four to six years of the tenure probationary period).
Expectations include a research/creative scholarship program that results in nationally or internationally peer-reviewed publication or its equivalent, such as performances or juried exhibitions, as appropriate to the discipline and at a pace or level of intensity characteristic of recognized scholars in the field.

  • Research and scholarship that clearly furthers the research/creative scholarship mission of the academic unit and the university.
  • Generation of resources such as extramural funding to an extent appropriate to the discipline and in amounts that ensure a successful program.
  • Support of scholarship-related events and activities at the campus, state, and national level, not just as an observer, but as a participant or organizer.

Relevant Scholarship Activities

Examples of relevant scholarship activities are listed below. This list is not exhaustive, and mere participation in the activities below does not constitute an acceptable level of performance for promotion, tenure, or annual evaluation. Rather, the outcome or impact of that participation is examined, according to the standards above.  See DSU’s Promotion and Tenure Process for more specifics.

  • Conducting research or scholarship in a traditional disciplinary sense
  • Conducting scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Publication of scholarly journal articles, books, book chapters, abstracts, scholarly data, or creative works appropriate to the faculty member’s discipline
  • Publication of textbooks and related or similar curricular materials
  • Publication of book reviews or similar published reviews
  • Delivery of invited and contributed lectures, speeches, performances, or readings at other universities, professional conferences, or in front of other learned audiences
  • Application for, or receipt of, patents, copyrights, trademarks and other forms of technology transfer.
  • Participation in university, state, regional, and national scholarship events
  • Collaboration with other researchers either on-campus or off-campus

Contract and Agreement Policy

The University enters into numerous contracts and agreements with a wide variety of constituencies, including other state agencies, public and private corporations, and individuals. To ensure that all such contracts and agreements are legally proper and conform to the Board of Regents’ policies see SDBOR Policy 5.3, DSU Policy 6.3 Contracts and Agreements and DSU Policy 6.4 Sponsored Grants and Contracts.

Human-Subject Research Regulations

Dakota State is dedicated to ensuring the rights, privacy, welfare, and safety of human subjects participating in research under the auspices of DSU. All human subjects research at DSU, whether funded externally or not, must be in compliance with federal regulations. DSU Policy 6.6 Human Subjects Research.

Intellectual Property Policy

The guidelines for the University concerning intellectual property are found at SD BOR Policy 4.9.1 and DSU Policy 11.2.

Hazardous Biological Agents and Materials

The guidelines for the university concerning hazardous biological agents and materials are found at DSU Policy 01-03-00.

Grant-Submission Process

The university has established procedures that will enhance internal Departmental communication related to grant activity and allow adequate time for internal review of proposals submission at every level. See DSU Policy 6.3 Contracts and Agreements: Approval and DSU Policy 6.4 Sponsored Grants and Contracts.

Research Compliance

Dakota State is committed to research integrity, while promoting the responsible conduct of research and ensuring that faculty, staff, and students comply with relevant federal and state regulations and guidelines. See DSU’s webpage  concerning research compliance.


The Madison Cyber Lab (MadLabs) is a hub for research, development and economic opportunities. The facility and its programs attract elite scholars, researchers, professionals, and partnerships with government, business, nonprofits, and other higher education institutions. See the MadLabs website.

Beadle Scholar Repository

Beadle Scholar is a platform to collect, preserve, and disseminate the intellectual output of Dakota State University in a digital format.

Paulson Cyber Incubator and Entrepreneurial Center

The Paulson Cyber Incubator and Entrepreneurial Center is an educational, applied learning laboratory. The Paulson Center offers educational programming, workshops, boot campus, conferences, competitions, camps, internships, and more. Further information may be found at the DSU website.