Jan 15, 2025  
Faculty Handbook 
Faculty Handbook

Faculty Appointment Types

All institutional personnel will be employed upon the recommendation of the president of the institution and upon the approval of the Board of Regents. If a candidate is currently, or was formerly, employed by an institution and applies for another position in the system, the employee’s institutional human resource office or academic affairs office, as appropriate, will share job-related information with the requesting academic
or human resource office in the system.

Faculty members shall receive written appointment notice, signed by the President, for each year they are employed by the Board. Unless otherwise agreed or established, the faculty member shall have twenty calendar days to accept the employment offer, and the employment contract shall not become binding until the notice is executed by both the faculty member and the appointing authority and approved by the Board of Regents, if applicable.

The provisions of SDBOR Policy Manual, Dakota State University’s Policy Manual, the appointment notice, and applicable law become part of the terms and conditions of every appointment contract. Any understanding, promise, term, condition or representation not thereby contained or included in the contract is of no effect.

For further information on faculty-appointment types, see BOR Policy 4.1.1 General Terms and Appointments, BOR Policy 4.4.7 Tenure and Continuing Appointments; BOR Policy 4.4.6 Rank and Promotion

Term Contract

A term contract may be either part-time or full-time, and will be of a definite term, not to exceed one year, unless the extended contract is approved by the Board of Regents. A term contract will terminate automatically at the end of the term unless the board expressly renews the contract.

The board recognizes that faculty members who have received several consecutive full-time contracts will come subjectively to expect continued employment on the same basis. Under board policy, however, in the absence of an award of tenure, such unilateral expectations, however natural they may be, can never become constitutionally protected property interests. Once a decision has been made not to reissue a subsequent term contract to such faculty members, professional courtesy requires that they be accorded an opportunity to assure themselves that the rationale and factual basis for the decision have been reviewed formally by superior authorities and have been found satisfactory.

Tenure Track Contract

A tenure-track contract is a qualifying appointment offered to a full-time faculty member who may be considered for a tenure contract at a later time. This contract will be of a definite term, not to exceed one year. A tenure-track contract is renewable solely at the discretion of the Board, subject to procedures for non-renewal set forth in BOR Policy 4.4.7. If a faculty member is offered a tenure-track contract, the number of years the faculty member has served under term contracts may be credited, at the discretion of the board, as recommended by the provost, toward fulfillment of the period necessary for consideration for a tenure appointment.

Tenure Contract

A tenure contract may be extended to a full-time faculty member. It provides re-employment from year to year until such time as the faculty member resigns or retires, is terminated for cause, or is terminated pursuant to a reduction in personnel.

Fixed Term Track Contract for Research Faculty

A fixed-term contract may be either part-time or full-time, and will be of a definite term. Terms exceeding one year, shall be approved by the Board of Regents. A fixed-term contract will terminate automatically at the end of its term unless the board expressly renews the contract. A fixed-term contract will terminate automatically prior to the end of its stated term if the grant funds used to support the contract lapse and the research faculty member has not secured a new funding source.

The board recognizes that research faculty members who have received several consecutive full-time annual contracts will come subjectively to expect continued employment on the same basis. Under Board policy, however, in the absence of an award of a continuing appointment, such unilateral expectations, however natural they may be, can never become constitutionally protected property interests. Nevertheless, once a decision has been made not to reissue a subsequent fixed term contract to such research faculty members, professional courtesy requires that they be accorded an opportunity to assure themselves that the rationale and factual basis for the decision have been reviewed formally by superior authorities and have been found satisfactory.

Probationary Contract for Research Faculty

A probationary contract is a qualifying appointment offered to a full-time research faculty member who may be considered for a continuing appointment at a later time and will be of a definite term, not to exceed three years. A probationary contract may be renewed for a second three-year term. A probationary contract is renewable solely at the discretion of the Board, subject to procedures for non-renewal of tenure track and probationary contracts set forth in BOR Policy 4.4.7. If a research faculty member is offered a probationary contract, the number of years the research faculty member has served under fixed-term contracts may be credited, at the discretion of the Board of Regents, toward fulfillment of the period necessary for consideration for a continuing appointment.

Joint Appointments to the Instructional and Research Faculty

On the specific recommendation of the institutional president, a faculty member may be jointly appointed to the research faculty and the faculty, provided that the instructional load is less than half-time.


The lecturer position is a distinct appointment. The position of lecturer entails substantial teaching, but lecturers may also have assigned service duties.

Emeritus Designation

The university has established criteria for designating the title of “Emeritus” to a retiring faculty member or academic administrator. Emeritus status is a privilege, not a right, and it is given in recognition of sustained meritorious academic and professional service to Dakota State University. See DSU Policy 1.4.