Feb 11, 2025  
Faculty Handbook 
Faculty Handbook

Leave and Benefits

Leave and Leave Without Pay

Leave benefits for state employees are governed by state laws (SDCL 3-6) and Regents’ Resolution 118-1968. The policies of the university cover annual leave, vacation leave, administrative leave, sick leave, family and medical leave, advanced sick leave, military-training leave, personal leave, and court and jury leave. Information and forms can be found online at the DSU portal. A leave of absence without pay may be granted to a faculty member or other regental employees for one year, with an allowable extension not to exceed one additional year for educational reasons, employment, or experiences that would be of benefit to the faculty member or their disciplinary area, or in order to hold political office.

Employees granted leave without pay or a temporary reduction to less than full time employment for one month or more shall continue to have the employee’s share of the group health/life/ADD (Accidental Death and Dismemberment) paid for by the employer for up to a total of three months per leave without pay or temporary reduction. An employee granted a leave or temporary reduction that exceeds these conditions shall be required to continue group health/life/ADD coverage if they have not been allowed to opt out of the state of South Dakota group health-insurance plan during the enrollment period. If the employee has not received approval to opt out of the insurance plan, the premiums for coverage following the initial three months will be paid by the employee. Contact Human Resources regarding benefits, and see SD BOR Policy 4.5.3 and DSU Policy 8.3.

Bereavement Leave

Employees can use up to five days or up to 40 hours of their accrued sick leave as bereavement leave for the loss of an immediate family member. Bereavement leave can be used whenever someone loses an immediate family member as there is no annual limit. To use bereavement leave, employees must have accrued sick leave available.

  • Immediate family is defined as the employee’s spouse, children, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, stepchildren, and stepparents.

Paid Family Leave

Beginning May 22, 2023, all state employees will be entitled to up to 12 weeks of leave upon the birth or adoption of a new child.  This will be effective for any child born or adopted on or after May 22nd, 2023.  Through this benefit, Board of Regents employees will be paid 100% of their salaries during this time.

Advanced Sick Leave

An employee who has been employed by the state in a regular position for one year or more may request advanced sick leave for not more than 28 days once all other leave is exhausted.

  • An employee requesting advanced sick leave must submit a signed request supported by a statement from the employee’s doctor.

The Vice President for Human Resources, the President, and the South Dakota Board of Regents’ representative must approve the request before the advance is granted. An employee who terminates employment before advanced sick leave has been repaid must repay the remaining advanced hours at the employee’s current rate of pay.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Family and medical leave is available to an employee of the state who has worked for twelve months or more and who has worked 1,250 hours or more.

  • Up to 12 weeks of sick leave, vacation leave, leave without pay, or any combination of these leaves may be taken as family and medical leave. FMLA can be used for the birth or the care of the employee’s newborn child; the placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care; the care of the employee’s spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition; or the serious health condition of the employee that leaves the employee unable to perform the functions of his or her job.

Please review the policy in its entirety and work directly with Human Resources regarding the Family Medical Leave Act. For more information, view the full SD BOR Policy 4.5.3.

Court and Jury Leave

If an employee is subpoenaed to testify in any civil or criminal proceeding because of the employee’s official capacity, the employee shall receive the employee’s regular salary without loss of leave credits and may receive actual expenses according to state rates but may not receive witness fees.

If an employee is a party to or a witness in private litigation not related to his or her official capacity, the employee shall use vacation leave or leave without pay.

If an employee is summoned to serve on a jury, the employee shall receive the employee’s regular salary without loss of leave credits and the per diem and mileage provided for by SDCL 16-13-46.

  • A state employee summoned either as a witness or a juror shall notify the employee’s supervisor and the Human Resources Office.

For more information, view the full SD Administrative Rule 55:09:04:09.

Military Leave & Military Training Leave

Any eligible employee of the SDBOR who is called for training or active duty in the uniformed services of the United States is eligible for military leave, provided the employee gives notice of his or her military obligations. In carrying out the terms of this policy and in all its dealings with employees regarding military leave issues, the SDBOR complies fully with all federal and state laws granting leave and employment rights to employees serving in any branch of the military or other uniformed services of the United States.

Please review the policy in its entirety and work directly with Human Resources regarding Military Leave. For more information, view the full SD BOR Policy 4.5.5.

Leave of Absence Without Pay

Leave of absence without pay means approved absence from duty for which the employee is not paid. Leave is available to any permanent employee, may not exceed twelve weeks, and shall be approved by the appointing authority. The appointing authority may submit a written request with justification for an extension of an employee’s leave to the commissioner. The appointing authority for an employee of the board of regents who is exempt from the civil service act may submit a written request with justification for an extension of the employee’s leave to the Board of Regents.

  • Leave of absence without pay may be granted to an employee even though all of the employee’s accrued vacation leave has not been used.
  •  No leave credits may be earned during the authorized leave of absence without pay.

For more information, view the full SD Administrative Rule 55:09:04:10.

Extended Leave of Absence

Leave of absence without pay may be granted to faculty or other Regental employees for one year, with an allowable extension not to exceed one additional year for educational reasons, employment, or experiences that would be of benefit to individuals, their disciplinary area, or administrative assignment at the institution, or in order to hold political office.

For more information, view the full SD BOR Policy 4.5.3.

Time sheets

Timesheets are to be submitted on the 21st day of each month using SNAP found on the DSU Portal. An email will be sent by the Human Resource office reminding employees of holidays  and administration days. See DSU Policy 8.4.

Sabbatical/Faculty Improvement/Career Redirection Leave

A faculty member may be granted sabbatical leave after six or more consecutive years of full-time employment in the system. A faculty member may be granted faculty improvement or career redirection leave after three consecutive years of full-time employment in the system. University policy governing such leave is guided by SD BOR Policy 4.5.3 Medical Leave and Leaves of Absence. Application for sabbatical leave for a given year must be submitted by the college dean.

Approval for such leave shall be contingent upon the faculty member presenting plans for formal study, research, or other experiences which are designed to improve the quality of service of the faculty member to the institution, to the Board and to the State of South Dakota.

The form to request this leave can be found at this link: Leave Request Link

Reduced Tuition

State employees are eligible to attend state-supported classes offered by an institution under the control of the Board of Regents at one-half tuition, for a maximum of 6 credit hours per semester and a total of 18 per year, on a space available basis, provided certain criteria are met.  An application form for the reduced tuition benefit may be obtained from Human Resources or on the web.

Benefits (Insurance/Flexible Benefits/Other Incentives)

The State of South Dakota employee health insurance is a self-insured plan which is administered by the Bureau of Human Resources.  You may select your health insurance plans and also your additional coverage plans (dental/vision/etc.).  The State of South Dakota provides each benefited employee $25,000 of Basic Life Insurance coverage.  You may select other life and long term care benefits.  AY24 Benefits  

SDBOR Retirement Plan

The SDBOR retirement plan is a defined benefit plan administered by the State of South Dakota Retirement System. The publications of the South Dakota Retirement Systems detailing plan information, calculators, and forms can be found on their website. Representatives from SDRS come to Madison once a year, and DSU employees will receive an email a few weeks before their campus visit. Meetings with SDRS retirement planners are scheduled by contacting the SDRS office.

The SDBOR also offers 403b, 457, and 457b supplemental retirement options. There is a collection of helpful information and links under My Benefits in SNAP in the Retirement Information folder including the Retirement Manager Guide. New employees are auto-enrolled into a 457 supplemental retirement plan. The publications of the SDRS supplementary retirement plan are found on their website. DSU Human Resources office will also assist with questions about retirement benefits. Also see the retirement section of the DSU Employee Handbook (located on the DSU Portal).

Contributions via Payroll Deduction

Various deductions such as Foundation, Community Center, Parking, etc. are available on an optional basis. Contact the DSU Human Resource Office for information.

Salary Payment

A timesheet is a spreadsheet-like report allowing faculty member to record leave time during a payroll cycle (from 22nd of previous month to 21st of current month). It is the responsibility of employees to submit their timesheets to their proper supervisors. In the event an employee does not submit their time sheet, their payment of wages will not occur until next payroll process. Faculty may access timesheets through SNAP portal via My DSU or a quick link. More information on time sheet can be found in SD BOR Policy 4.6.1 and DSU Policy 8.4.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance

University employees are covered by the South Dakota Worker’s Compensation law for work-related injuries and diseases. In the event of injury, contact the DSU Human Resource Office to complete a First Report of Injury claim, no later than three business days from the date of occurrence.

Community Center Membership and Other Discounts

The Community Center membership is one of DSU employee advantages. DSU employees receive a 15% discount on any membership as long as they sign up for a monthly payroll deduction for the plan. DSU Human Resources office works with the community center for the rate of a membership year. Other DSU employee discounts include a discount for:

  • DSU Bookstore: 10% with staff ID or Trojan Silver.
  • The QUEUE: 10% with staff ID or Trojan Silver
  • Marketplace: 10% with staff ID or Trojan Silver
  • Free admission to various DSU events with staff ID
  • Karl Mundt Library on Campus: Use of the Karl Mundt Library media and material services
  • Discount with United Airlines (must provide them with Account Code 149DD)
  • AT&T: 17% discount on qualified cell phone billings
  • Verizon Wireless: 18% discount on qualified cell phone billings
  • Community center Membership: 15% corporate discount
  • Profile: 1st year member due discount of $100 (our cost $299)
  • Madison Country Club: 35% discount for first year member dues and 10% for the following year
  • Lake Golf Course: discount on first year membership dues. Call 605-483-3535.

Professional Development Funds

The faculty are encouraged to present and attend conferences. The university provides professional development funds through the colleges, administered by the college dean. The university is governed by the travel regulations established by the State of South Dakota. The regulations apply to all travel regardless of the source of university funds. All travel inside and outside the State of South Dakota requires the prior approval of the college dean. A state vehicle is maintained by the state of South Dakota for travel in connection with university business and can be used for faculty travel if needed.

Reduced Tuition

State employees are eligible to attend classes offered by an institution under the control of the Board of Regents at one-half tuition, for a maximum of six (6) credit hours per semester and a total of 18 per year, on a space available basis, provided the following criteria are met:

  • The employee is eligible for benefits
  • The employee has been continuously employed for the State of SD for one consecutive year or more
  • The employee is not currently on a prescriptive or work improvement plan
  • The employee has a grade point average of 2.0 or greater
  • The employee is a resident of the State of South Dakota
  • The employee is not entitled to other reduced tuition benefits by law

An application form for the reduced tuition benefit may be obtained Here.